Talabani Kurdistan denies the disappearance of the Refinery and confirms his return before the end of the year

Talabani Kurdistan denies the disappearance of the Refinery and confirms his return before the end of the year

Tuesday, September 3, 2013 11:00

Talabani Kurdistan confirms his return before the end of the yearBaghdad / Baghdadi news / .. Kurdistan Alliance MP Qasim Mchkta, Tuesday, that the health of President Jalal Talabani, a good, denying the news of the disappearance of the president of refinery in Germany.
The Mchkta told / Baghdadi News /, “The Kurdistan briefed on reports confirm that Talabani’s return to Iraq before the end of this year,” noting that “the President good health.”
And denied Mchkta “health news that indicated that Talabani disappeared from the refinery in Germany,” he said, adding “if the validity of this information to the German government told us so.”
The source of Kurdish politician in Paris revealed that Talabani disappeared with individuals very close to his family quickly and fishy, ​​too, was also to prevent any contact with the ring surrounding the orders of his wife Hero Ibrahim, confirming the absence of a leading figure in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) within the circuit associated with Talabani. / ended 21 t
