Iraqi government to agree to the establishment of the largest national park to restore the Garden of Eden

The Iraqi government to agree to the establishment of the largest national park to restore the Garden of Eden in southern Iraq

Posted, 01/09/2013

national park to restore the Garden of Eden in southern Iraq{Baghdad: Euphrates News} and the Council of Ministers approved the request of the establishment of the National Park {to Mesopotamian marshes} provided by the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea of ​​Italy.

A statement of the Ministry of the Environment Agency has received {Euphrates News} a copy of it on Saturday for its minister Sargon Lazar صليو as saying that “the Council of Ministers approved and after a course of action long and hard began in 2006 on the set {National Park to the marshes of Mesopotamia}, which is one of the landmarks program Large named New Eden {}, which was launched in 2004 by Iraq and Italy. ”

He صليو “The project aims to restore the marshlands of Mesopotamia in southern Iraq after the offense dried, which has the late eighties of the last century at the hands of the former regime, in addition to a series of dams that created along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, causing the appearance of negative effects on the ecological balance and the policies adopted by the former regime led to dry for about 80% of the original wetlands before they destroy the whole of 2000. ”

The Minister of Environment that “the project of establishing a {National Park to the marshes of Mesopotamia} is characterized by the participation of national and international organizations Home {Nature Iraq, the United Nations Program for the Environment, the UN Development Program {UNESCO}, the Canadian Agency for International Development, CIDA , the U.S. Agency for International Development USAID , in addition to the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation JICA }. ”

He pointed out that “the marshes of Mesopotamia in southern Iraq was until the late eighties is one of the wetlands most extension in the Middle East and one of the largest regions in the world {15000-20000 km 2} In addition to Maatmta its heritage is unique in the diversity Albaalogi and recognition as the cradle of human civilizations which lasted for thousands of years, such as the Sumerian civilizations, Assyrian, Babylonian addition to the civilization of the Marsh Arabs. ”

The Iraqi government has taken immediately after the fall of the former regime in 2003, a number of different initiatives to deal with the environmental disaster and humanitarian caused to these areas where they were re-immersion out of the marshes to about 60% of the extended original, which enabled the establishment of national park of marshes of Mesopotamia in the marshes Central . ended