Maliki loses his allies and the Kurds and the Sunnis do not consider him valid to lead Iraq
Maliki loses his allies and the Kurds and the Sunnis do not consider him valid to lead Iraq
08/21/2013 (00:01 pm)
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Saw the outgoing روداو newspaper in Erbil, Maliki went to accuse his opponents and allies of causing the failures of his government, making it lose their support. The newspaper, in its report, said that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki blamed on opponents and allies alike on the failures of his government, accusing deputies of his deputies by giving him false information about power outages, and the Mahdi Army and behind the escaped prisoners from jails in Baghdad, which made him lose even his allies. The newspaper was referring to a meeting with the Prime Minister a number of political commentators aired on Iraqi TV earlier this month.
Maliki said in the meeting that the shortage of electricity supply is not a sin. He said in the meeting, which sparked controversy, said Hussain al-Shahristani, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, “gave me incorrect information about the level of production of electricity in Iraq.” She described روداو Maliki’s government, led by Shiites, as distorted because of the bombings and attacks which have escalated around dramatically, while minorities large Sunni and Kurdish no longer consider him as a man who leads Iraq.
Habib Terminal, MP for the mass of the citizen, said at the time the newspaper that “the coalition National accusations Maliki will discuss this. ” Did not enslave the existence of intentions and behind Maliki accusations this “purpose incision row Iraqi National Alliance.” Terminal said that “Maliki’s comments that represent his personal view. Decided discussed in the framework of the National Alliance in the near future.” The
newspaper and saw that the most powerful response to Maliki’s comments came from Prince Kanani, a leader of the Sadrist movement. As he said Kanani, “The National Alliance does not consist of Maliki alone. Alliance consists of many factions and groups. And only rebel in this alliance is a coalition of state law of the owners, who do not abide by the guidance of the coalition.”
said Kanani that “Maliki’s comments were misplaced , “adding that” these statements will lead to political groups to consider carefully voted in next time for the post of Prime Minister of Iraq. ” He Kanani also said that “al-Maliki tries to evade failures in improving the security situation, and social services, and foreign relations, and the elimination of corruption. Indeed is the failure of so that it offers to citizens ration, which succeeded Saddam provided despite the economic blockade.”
and saw Kanani “The next government will become the first independent Iraqi government after the withdrawal of U.S. troops, because the United States and Iran have their roles in the appointment of the Prime Minister of Iraq.” He claimed that “if al-Maliki became prime minister again, will Atksm Iraq and fall into a civil war.”
For his part, says Hashim Habboubi, a columnist for Iraqi politician, al-Maliki’s attack relates to the upcoming parliamentary elections. And said Habboubi “Maliki have no choice other than trying to find excuses for its failures in the political, economic, security and social services.”