Former President of the Commission on Public Integrity: the central bank is not solely responsible for the crimes of money laundering

Former President of the Commission on Public Integrity: the central bank is not solely responsible for the crimes of money laundering



Download Judge Rahim Okkaily, former chairman of the Integrity Commission, the Iraqi judiciary and the Ministry of Interior ‘the brunt of the responsibility for prosecuting crimes of money laundering’, and stressed that they ‘failed to understand and apply the provisions of the Money Laundering Act’, returned crimes of money laundering as’ main artery to feed the terrorism in Iraq ‘.

Ugaili said, in a statement to the Agency (range Press), that ‘the Iraqi authorities concerned file money laundering, namely the Ministry of Interior and the courts and the Office of reporting on money laundering in the Central Bank have failed miserably in the understanding and application of the provisions of the Money Laundering Act No. 93 of 2004.’

He Okkaily that’s what increased the matter is complicated by foot banking systems and underdevelopment technically and isolated to keep pace with technological advances in the world ‘, explaining that’ by making them unable to apply its obligations under the Act to address the proliferation of crimes of money laundering ‘, returned money laundering as a’ main artery to feed the terrorism that kills every day lives of Iraqis’.

He Okkaily saying ‘as shares in coverage deals major corruption involving the most administrators executive authority adults’, and pointed out that’ some people tried to falsely and slanderously blame and responsibility on the management of the Central Bank of the previous’, stressing that ‘the responsibility of prosecuting crimes of money laundering is the responsibility of shared the brunt of which are located on the Iraqi judiciary and the Ministry of Interior. ‘

The Committee of the Parliamentary Integrity revealed, on 20 July, that the amount of money the Iraqi ‘smuggled’ out of the country since 2003, up to $ 130 billion, in addition to the prosecution of 120 government officials, including ministers and managers عامون, linked to the files of financial corruption and money smuggled .

Revealed by Transparency International, last June, that Iraq has been in ‘perigee bottom rates of corruption in the world’, which led to ‘raise’ political violence and causing ‘damage’ the process of building a state of ‘effective and lack of’ provision of services as still Iraq ‘failure’ in the delivery Services basically enough, and that 23% of children are still ‘live extreme poverty’, while showed that in spite of government initiatives to combat corruption, it is still ‘stuttering’ did not come announcement by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the fight against corruption within 100 days a year 2011 last year, with ‘any positive result’, questioned the will of the government and its commitment to anti-corruption efforts.