Researcher: stable economy limits the money laundering in Iraq

Researcher: stable economy limits the money laundering in Iraq


barely devoid of any society aspects of financial and administrative corruption, which is caused by a defect in the performance result of mistakes and forgetfulness, and deviation from the straight path abusing public power for private gain.

believes economic researcher improve on that there is a relationship relational between the phenomenon of money laundering and financial and administrative corruption to be discovered and resolved and the elimination of organized crime and control money laundering and to develop laws to prevent the waste of public funds and the elimination of administrative and financial corruption and identifying causes of these phenomena and to develop ways and steps to address them as soon as.

, and confirmed in a statement to the (morning) the importance of the discovery of the relationship between the phenomenon of money laundering and its impact liquidity, investment and economic policies and the financial and administrative corruption in the world. He added that the fight against such phenomena is a social responsibility borne by all institutions and individuals all by his responsibility to stand up Iraq and we must rise to all sense of responsibility. He stressed that the issue of money laundering was still hot topics at the local level and global after taken by national governments and the international community are working to combat this phenomenon and has taken measures and extensive supervision and better regulation at the national level. Indicating that the effectiveness of efforts to combat money laundering and attempts to fight the funding of terrorism depends on creating coherent system of preventive measures, but that these efforts remain insufficient to combat money laundering, which is made ​​at the international level and local level.

said Ali, saying: I have appeared Astalahan Two new in the world economy are (money laundering and money laundering) and two Mudallolan are close differ in Mntogahma and meet in Mvhomanma, He said this means the use of tricks and methods and means for the disposal of money acquired illegally and illegal to legitimize and legal. He noted that money laundering means using tricks, means and methods for the disposal of the money earned for ways Garparwah, illegal and sometimes is mixed these funds Sacred funds Other Halal invested in activities permissible legitimately and legally to hide the source of man’s land and out of legal accountability, after mislead the security authorities regulators, may transfer These illicit funds through deposit from banks or transferred between banks to merge with the money legitimate.

then foreign banks process of transferring funds through its branches and then their owners to withdraw their money from banks internal to international banks have many branches in the world to buy land or contribute to the companies transcontinental. and stressed that the solution to this problem is creating a stable economic climate and security in order to limit the spread of the hidden economy spaces and ways of activating the laws that limit all economic activity outside the limits of legitimate transactions. In addition to activating the work of economic control on the overall transactions that you get inside the national economy as well as the activation mechanism for controlling the external borders and the accompanying smuggling some goods and raw materials.

stressed economic researcher at the conclusion of his speech on the need for sanctions and activate laws against economic crime and limit the expansion of the work of illegal business activities and to prevent the spread of economic crimes within the national economy. and find mechanisms of action within the Organization of the Iraqi economy and ways to activate the work of the supervisory committees at all levels of internal and external statement penalties for those who commit any acts and activities illegal Ommnoah.