Kirkuk demonstrators demanding replace Maliki
Kirkuk demonstrators demanding replace Maliki
Accused the demonstrators in Anbar and Salahuddin, Kirkuk and Diyala government yesterday, regardless of the militias ‘targeting Sunnis in the country’, and urged the preacher of the protesters in Kirkuk to find a replacement for Prime Minister Nuri …al-Maliki, calling for activating the proposed regions, a student preacher F Fallujah, the United Nations and the Arab League to take their role to stop the ‘genocide against the Sunnis’.
The preacher sit-gray happy Fayyad during his Friday sermon which was held on the international road in Ramadi and attended (range Press), that ‘the government and the views of internal and external support militias and gangs killing and displacement, are working on the threat of Sunnis and the community, without accounting and protection of the innocent.’
Fayyad added that ‘the Sunnis and the community in Iraq are subjected to the worst circumstances of the killing, displacement and destruction of their homes before the eyes of the army and the police, who do not noting that ‘these militias have influence and authority as if it is the governing and controlling the country.’
In Diyala invited to and orator F Diyala Sheikh Shihab al-Badri all political liquidation of the atmosphere between them because they are the cause of the scourge in the province ‘, noting that’ who kill Shiites and Sunnis is the same person who wants the collapse of the province and returned to the dark days’.
Badri said ‘we went out because of the injustice and the injustice done to us and are to the right and we are Sunnis, we practiced genocide’, calling on Sunnis to ‘go out and protect themselves from the oppression of the militias’.
Badri called on the government, ‘do its duty and legitimate legal protection of mosques and places of worship across the province’, telling it of that ‘you can not the Sunnis Vsikhrjohn the protection to protect themselves because their patience is running out, which is doing militias against them.’
He told the preacher as protests Kirkuk Sheikh Ahmed Said, which was held in the mosque of forgiveness district and one in June south of the city, and attended (Long Press), that ‘Iraq is being subjected to the most heinous scheme aims to kill his sons and disperse assembled and silence their voices in the face of injustice’, and ‘We recommend that all the Iraqi people with the support and the assignment of Iraq’s Sunni uprising because they do not just want their rights raped them ‘.
He called Happy National Alliance to ‘find a replacement for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki coalition’, and attributed the cause to that ‘Iraq is heading to the collapse of security, institutional and social because of the failure of the government’s plans’, and pointed out that’ the month of Ramadan without a card ration no electricity, no water, no fuel and bloodshed and injustice everywhere. ‘
He called the Sunni Almentvdh cities to ‘reconsider its judgment on the draft Regions’, praising ‘the experience of the Kurds in the Kurdistan region across the province on their people and their status.’
In Fallujah, accused the imam and preacher of the protesters Tariq Hamid government ‘silence for the militias and gangs that operate on genocide’ Ahlu Sunna group ‘, adding that’ the government did not implement the rights of the protesters and their demands, but increased in the arrest of innocent people and raid their homes even become prisons only the Sunnis’.
He called in front of the Khatib F Fallujah, the United Nations and international humanitarian organizations and the Arab League to ‘take their role and to stop the genocide against the Sunnis in Iraq’.
Khatib said in front of F as protests Samarra Diab al-Samarrai said ‘Our message to the militias, the Sunnis and the community Cishakonkm their feet and crushed the idolaters day of Badr’, noting that ‘the government militias, however, the government managed and driven by time you like’.
He added that the Samurai ‘is strange is that the government is considering favorably to the actions of militia al-Maliki has admitted in one of his speeches that the militias have a significant impact in the government, calling for’ the people of the year and the group to form their own force to protect themselves and their honor and sanctities’.
Samarrai stressed that ‘protesters are involved in Aatsamathm of the while achieving the demands which they went out and would not stop.