Half a million “without an Iraqi” Baghdad demanding compensate Kuwait and threaten international courts
Half a million “without an Iraqi” Baghdad demanding compensate Kuwait and threaten international courts
15/07/2013 (00:01 pm)
Muthanna / Range Presse politicians demanded the concerned Iraqi federal government need to ask international bodies to intervene to force the Kuwaiti authorities to compensate Iraqis who are deported during the events of the Gulf War (1990-1991), confirming the presence of half a million who have been subjected to the confiscation of “rights, money and collective punishment” simply because they Iraqis. considered slice “stateless” in Muthanna province of slides that have suffered since 1990, of marginalization and exclusion continued, both sides Kuwaiti and Iraqi, especially after they were expelled from Kuwait after the confiscation of their movable and immovable property, and to judge many of them penalties “harsh “amounted to a penalty for Khalifa Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. says MP Khalid Djiashi, for the Liberal bloc, which sponsors the rally to demand the rights of stateless بالمثنى, in an interview to (range Press), said that “tens of thousands of Iraqis who live in Kuwait have been subjected to abuse and homelessness and the confiscation of rights and money, “noting that” the province of Muthanna, comprising nearly 800 families of this segment were displaced and still to this day without human remember. ” and calls Djiashi need to “claim Kuwait compensation Messaging for those who confiscated their money was deported,” and threatens to “sue compensation in the courts International American, Canadian and European against Kuwait if it is not compensated. ” so demanding MP Saad Hamza, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), the Iraqi government should be “the formation of a specialized committee and active to demand that the Kuwaiti government compensation suitable for damage deportees Iraqis from psychological damage and material,” and calls on the government “not to alienate the rights of those deportees who have suffered persecution, displacement and confiscation of rights.” For his part, says Hamid Mustafa, (57 years old), in an interview to the (long-Presse), “I was born in Kuwait and served in the army 14 years and gradually until it reached to the rank of sergeant, “and adds that” the Kuwaiti authorities knew after the events of the Gulf War, I was of Iraqi origin sentenced to death, but I managed to escape with my family thanks to my tariff. ” He continues, Mustafa said, “We have confiscated my house and my sheep and my cars and did not think a indemnify us,” adds “I call on the Kuwaiti authorities for compensation for my services and أملاكي that stayed there.” in turn, says Ali Al-Hajri, who works in the Department of Displacement and Migration in Muthanna province, in an interview to (range Press), said that “with the department statistical names of half a million deportee Iraqis from Kuwait distributors in Samawah, Basra, Nasiriyah, Mosul and Hilla, Salahuddin and Wasit, “and asserts that” most of these deportees were working in the police, army and departments of civil They Bedoons. ” and stresses Hajri the need to “claim international bodies to put pressure on the Kuwaiti government and its claim for these deportees and exchange entitlements”, and demands the Iraqi government the need to “give them the rights that have been denied them.” Meanwhile, says Haider al-Awadi, director of the Organization (Sawa) for Human Rights in Muthanna during an interview to (range Press), “The slice stateless carry papers identification and labels emphasize the work of its members in civic institutions The Kuwaiti military, “and shows that they are” still retain the passports issued by the Kuwaiti authorities. ”