Oil parliamentary: Iraq needs oil refineries and the 12 refinery in the country does not fill the need
Oil parliamentary: Iraq needs oil refineries and the 12 refinery in the country does not fill the need
Between a member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary MP / mass change / Bayazid Hassan, that Iraq needs oil to refineries for the purpose of bridging the daily needs, and what now owned refinery of 12 is sufficient for this purpose.
Hassan said: The 12 Mustafa has three big ones in Bhristi session in Baghdad and Basra, and production of all refineries almost 704 thousand barrels per day, noting: that Iraq needs to quantities gasoline, oil and other oil derivatives.
He added: that of the Ministry of construction of four oil refineries by investing, explaining: that ازياد number of refineries will lead to fill the local need, and will provide jobs for the unemployed, and will make Iraq exported oil products rather than crude oil.
The Oil Ministry has announced that it is proceeding with its plan to set up four refineries to boost production capacities of oil derivatives and cross the line of self-sufficiency in production of petroleum products