Economist: expansion of trade led to the fluctuation rate of the dinar against the dollar

Economist: expansion of trade led to the fluctuation rate of the dinar against the dollar

11-07-2013 11:51 AM

Iraqi dinarBaghdad (news) … Refer economist Maythem Laibi, fluctuating exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar to change the policy of the Central Bank from time to time. said Laibi of the Agency news): The previous period witnessed a fluctuation in the price of the dinar because of the change central bank policy from time to time, indicating rate stability exchange during the current period. continued: that the reasons for this volatility also many imported goods and purchasing power in dollars, adding that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII led to increase the proportion of import and the arrival of several ships to the ports of different countries Maady to increase demand to the dollar. witnessing the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar fluctuated between one period and another Economists attributed to many things is the lack of stability of monetary policy of the Central Bank and to the political differences that appear from time to time in the political arena. / End / 5. b. PVC /