Economist: New York Convention on investment will bring foreign investment to Iraq
Economist: New York Convention on investment will bring foreign investment to Iraq
10-07-2013 10:32 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Praised the economic expert Abbas Ghalibi, بالمباحثات ongoing on Iraq’s accession to the New York Convention to encourage investment, they will work on the development of the economy. said Ghalibi (of the Agency news): The Iraqi economy is semi-disabled and one-sided because of the repercussions of political and security, it needs to conclude agreements many investment lead to develop it. said: that the New York Convention and other conventions that promote investment in Iraq, good for the economy of Iraq, and that because of all the sectors of quasi-Off and it needs to invest actively to develop them through to make way for all investors. continued: that the success of the talks on the New York Convention will be reflected positively on reconstruction and services and the development of local production of the country, stressing that the repercussions of political and security through which Iraq has made him a lot of obstacles that have prevented the advancement of the economy ethnicity. encourages NYC air investment of its Member States, they represent a point of arbitration between the investment companies and between countries operating in If you have a dispute between the parties. / End / 5. h. P /