Zebari: Iraq is the era of economic prosperity

Zebari: Iraq is the era of economic prosperity



Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Iraq is witnessing the era of economic prosperity, full of investment and oil companies and diplomatic representation, although the state of division and division political reflecting a shadow on the security and stability in the country.

while Zebari said that Iraq fear of leakage of weapons that are sent to the armed groups in Syria into the hands of terrorists on its territory.

Zebari said in an interview with The Associated Press yesterday, “Saturday”: “The Iraq today, after the expiry of contract on the projection of the dictatorial regime in 2003, the better off countries that arose from the midst of the Arab Spring, which is still struggling to determine the shape of their governments and build its institutions and write their constitutions. “

Zebari said that “the deadliest and most ferocious wave of violence to hit Iraq since 2008, but it did not succeed in tossing him to the shafts of war Eligibility, “pointing out that” Iraqis have already approached the brink of civil war in the past, and they knew it is a war not Rabeh where, so everyone will pay to reduce to the maximum extent, but they will not continue to pay into the abyss. “

and Zebari said that the political crisis in Iraq is solvable , and that the country does not go to civil war, “noting that” one of the reasons for his belief that the country will not fall back from the brink to the furnace of the civil war is the success of the recent local elections, which brought about significant changes, after the granting of Iraqis vote for candidates according dictated by them sense of responsibility. “

Zebari stressed that “Iraq is the era of economic prosperity is replete with investment and oil companies and diplomatic representation,” explaining that “the performance of the economy was very well, rising per capita income significantly.”

With noted that what is missing country is economic stability, pointed out that the state of division and division political reflect a shadow on the security and stability in the country. Iraq has become in the past year, the second largest oil exporter in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which pumps are now more than three million barrels of crude per day.

According to World Bank projections to achieve the Iraqi economy growing up 9 percent this year, compared to about 2 percent or a little more achieved the global economy as a whole.

Regarding Syria

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the interview that “the conflict Syrian effects in Iraq and other neighboring countries,” stressing the need to “support all countries, the fight against terrorism, which described as a (global threat). “

and explained that “Iraq made ​​efforts to contact both the conflicting parties in Syria, trying to lend a helping hand in order to put an end to this conflict, which passed it two years and went killed more than 93 thousand people,” but he also said: “I do not avail of advice when the conflict armed. “

and threw Zebari blamed this paralysis and inability to stop the conflict in Syria on the Security Council, which confirmed that he divided himself deeply, attributing the cause to him, “the Security Council” in the transformation of the conflict in Syria to the form of war by proxy, or the war of attrition that could keep dragging it down heavy for a long time.

He added: “We do not support any militarization of the conflict Syria,” adding “that Iraq Searched some flights Iranian flying to Syria for weapons, and stop recently for all flights From Iraq to Damascus in order to prevent volunteers heading to participate in the war of exploitation and transport of Iraq. “

Zebari stressed that “Iraq has worried the weapons sent to the insurgents in Syria (whether originating the United States or anywhere else), for fear of leakage and access to the hands of the terrorists in Iraq, “noting that” the Iraqi-Syrian border was characterized by turmoil even before the outbreak of the conflict, and has worked Americans slit trenches to strengthen security at the border, but remained nonetheless open to the movement of terrorist groups and arms transfers. “

participated Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari recently in the talks held by senior officials from the United States, Russia and the United Nations in Geneva, on the preparations for the convening of an international conference aimed at urging the Syrian government and the opposition to agree on the formation of a transitional government paving the way for democratic elections.

On this subject, Zebari said that the organization of the conference will be is easy because of differences over the goal of it and the problems of unification of the opposition forces, noting that he “was the first opposition to unite to see better and expel extremists among their ranks.”

With pointed out that he should not download the opposition blame for all the failures that occurred during the Syrian crisis, he stressed that the The system also perpetrated by absolutely unacceptable, it would have imagined five years ago or six that the system bombing his own people and hurt bombs on the cities inhabited the eyes and ears of the whole world. “
