Alfalh: out of Iraq from Chapter VII of the completion of the government and the Iraqi people
Alfalh: out of Iraq from Chapter VII of the completion of the government and the Iraqi people
Thursday, June 27, 2013 11:15
Baghdad / Baghdadi news / .. MP for the state of law on Alfalh, Thursday, to remove Iraq from Chapter VII is not an achievement of the Federal Government only, but for the Iraqi people with all its components that Iraq will be a fully sovereign state, indicating that the lifting of this country is for the national exam.
He said Alfalh told / Baghdadi News /, that “to remove Iraq from Chapter is complete in itself being will make the country with full sovereignty, and not under military threat to force him to implement international resolutions on the occupation of Kuwait by the previous dictatorial regime,” he said, adding that “This achievement is not only calculated for the Iraqi government, but the Iraqi people with all its components and sects.”
He said a member of a coalition of state law that “it is important to raise this item on Iraq came a desire shared by the Governments of Iraq and Kuwait, and this is what articulated by countries submitters Joint United Nations to lift the name of Iraq from under طائلته at once,” stressing that “it is a recognition of from Kuwait before it can build future relations with Iraq being a sovereign and without foreign interference between them or fear that Iraq poses a threat. ”
He stressed Alfalh that “the benefits of the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII is to make way for him to buy defensive weapons from various المناشىء without foreign intervention and freely import a lot of material that was international resolutions prevent it, as well as the peaceful use of various types of energy, in a reference to the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. ”
He pointed out that “Iraq would emerge from this item is مصداق for patriotism, and the parties that reject his review of patriotism and work on dealing with the subject, including the dictates of belonging to this country.”
Iraq has been put under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations in 1990 after the occupation of Kuwait, which make it under the tutelage of State during the 23 last year, the fact that raising this item it requires the implementation of all international resolutions that imposed upon them compensate Kuwait and Almtsrran countries due to the occupation.
The government and during the past few months made several contacts with the Kuwaiti government to demarcate the border between the two countries and agreed with them on compensation through mutual official visits between the heads of the governments in the two countries. Finished / 21 K