UN Security Council resolutions explained after Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait

UN Security Council resolutions explained after Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait

06/26/2013 12:00 AM

Baghdad morning,
the Security Council issued during the years 1990 – 2000 fifty-three special resolution the situation of Iraq, the most important decision to impose economic sanctions on Iraq, and the output resolution of the dictatorial regime from Kuwait even if the use of force, as well as the decision of the oil-for-food.
was the first of these decisions is the decision No. 660 issued on 2/8/1990, the same day he entered the dictatorial regime forces Kuwaiti territory, which he called Iraq out of Kuwait immediately and without conditions, then took several resolutions imposing economic sanctions, and the destruction of Iraq’s weapons, then it was the decision of the oil-for-food To mitigate the effects of economic sanctions on the Iraqi people.
took the UN Security Council seventeen decision relates to oil for food program, started first on the fourteenth of April 1995 and Resolution No. 986, and was followed by several resolutions following the application of this decision and extend his term every six months, as follows : Resolution (1051), resolution (1111), resolution (1129), resolution (1143), resolution (1153), resolution (1158), resolution (1175), resolution (1210), resolution (1242), resolution (1266) , the resolution (1275), resolution (1280), resolution (1281), resolution (1284), resolution (1293), resolution (1302). After the invasion of Iraq and the lifting of the blockade and Conditions imposed on it changed the nature of the decisions taken about it, Below is a list of United Nations resolutions relating to Iraq before take it out of Chapter VII:
Security Council resolutions
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 660: released on August 2, 1990, condemning the occupation Saddam of Kuwait, and ask him for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal to its positions before the first of August 1990. He also asked the parties begin a direct dialogue to resolve differences between them, with the support of the Arab League.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 661: released on August 6, 1990, a decision which imposed economic sanctions on Iraq, the Security Council demanded that all States to refrain from any trade exchanges with Iraq, with the exception of food and medical supplies.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 687: released on April 3, 1991. Demanded demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait through a special committee to do so, also called the decision of Iraq to disclose all weapons of mass destruction, and accept the destruction, and the prohibition of supply of any weapons or materials have a military character of Iraq and a committee was formed special inspections weapons Iraq and appointed unit to monitor the situation between the two countries .
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 887: released on 2 October 1992. Security Council condemning Iraq’s lack of commitment to the decisions of the Security Council, and underlines concern over the deterioration of the health and nutritional status of the Iraqi civilian population. It also asks the Security Council of Iraq to return all Kuwaiti property seized.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1284: issued on 17 December 1999. It refers to the lack of commitment to Iraq return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals who were in Iraq on 2 August 1990 or later to their home countries. He also decides that allows Iraq to reach Inspection Committee immediately and unconditionally to the areas, facilities, equipment, records and means of transport which the Committee wishes to inspect, as well as all officials and employees who wish Committee interviewed. Iraq bear all the costs of the inspection and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in all matters relating to their work. And in this resolution encourages States and international organizations to provide assistance with the educational nature of Iraq.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 986: released on 14 April 1995. Iraq can sell crude oil in an amount not to exceed a total of one billion United States dollars every 90 days U.S. oil and use the proceeds to buy humanitarian supplies. The resolution defines the mandate of the oil-for-food program.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1051: issued on 27 March 1996. Requesting that all States notify the joint unit with all data and information on any attempt to sell or supply intended to do with Iraq territory. And requests from this unit report any attempt to smuggle or to provide Iraq with any banned substances.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1111: released on June 9, 1997. The Security Council decides to extend the provisions of Resolution No. 986 except 4,11,12 paragraphs. It also decided to conduct a comprehensive review of all aspects of the application of the decision of oil for food, and whether what ensured Iraq equitable distribution of medicine, health supplies, foodstuffs, and supplies for essential civilian needs.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1129: released on September 12, 1997. Expressing concern about the Iraqi government’s decision to abstain from the sale of oil and petroleum products allowed and what caused the humanitarian consequences on the Iraqi people.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1143: issued on 4 December 1997. Decides to extend the provisions of resolution 986, for a further period of 180 days. It also decides the continuing validity of the distribution plan for food and health as it is until the approval of the Secretary-General on a new plan offered by the Iraqi government.
– UN Security Council Resolution 1175: issued in June 1998 and refers to the report of an expert group set up by the United Nations and is noteworthy that Iraq can not under conditions to issue a list of petroleum or petroleum products, enough to provide $ 5.256 billion. And decides which allow countries to export spare parts and equipment needed to increase exports of oil and petroleum products in sufficient quantities to Iraqi achieve amount above Amzkor.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1281: issued on 10 December 1999. This decision extended the oil-for-food program for a new period of 180 days beginning on December 12, 1999.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1284: issued on 17 December 1999. Prevent the Security Council under this resolution local procurement and cash flow of Iraqi oil revenues held overseas strictly prohibited.
– UN Security Council Resolution No. 1302: released on June 8, 2000. This decision extended the oil-for-food program for a new period of 180 days beginning on 9 June 2000 and ending on December 5, 2000.
