Optimism exit of Iraq from Chapter VII
Optimism exit of Iraq from Chapter VII
Experts enemy step towards opening up the global economy of the country
received a number of specialists in the economic decision to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, which under the country’s economy decisions negatively affect the development, and drew interested that discretion money after the entry into force of the country from the constraints of Chapter VII enables it to achieve a comprehensive development if accompanied by plans strategy at all levels. obligations of an international banking expert at the Ministry of Finance.
Hilal Taan said that the impact of the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII of the economy has dimensions of positive most important that Iraq no longer poses a threat to the World Peace allowing states openness it more economically.
said Taan told (morning): that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII and move on to Chapter VI of the UN Charter comes after the fulfillment of its international obligations regarding the improvement of relations with Kuwait after the repercussions of the invasion of those the state because of the policies of the former regime, which was the most prominent resolve the file re-demarcation of the border and the payment of compensation and the issue of Iraqi Airways, pointing out that the decision to extend the protection has nothing to do exit Iraq from Chapter VII.
not shackled restrictions and explained that under that will become the Iraqi economy is shackled restrictions and becomes free and has a decision in his hand and take the action that fits the circumstances, and pointed out that the extension of protection to Iraqi funds came at the request of Iraq to protect it from claims of foreign and piracy of creditor nations, noting that after extinguishing Iraq’s debt, according to the Paris Club, there is no fear now of refund remaining to sovereignty Iraqi. ,
and pointed out that Iraq’s relations with economic relations with the countries of the world will evolve after his release from Chapter VII soon and is shackled international resolutions in terms of trade as the countries considered to Iraq that it fulfilled its international obligations in full thereby increasing confidence in the Iraqi economy and the expansion of trade with Iraq and will get an improvement in the economic development and the economic situation in general.
freedom to import and Male Taan that there are materials and goods can not be in Iraq now imported directly from Mnashiha only through an intermediary world because تكبيله restrictions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, however, he and after moving to Chapter VI of the Charter, it would be can control entirely on the sovereignty of economic of free trade and import of goods without the need for an international mediator, as he will become the environment the most attractive for foreign investment in the region after that liberated its economy from international restrictions that resulted from it due to the wrong policies of the former regime.
strategies work , an economist Hassan Hadi al-Asadi He said in an interview (morning) that the situation in Iraq under Chapter VII, which cable Iraqi economy, and bound him for a long time, pointing out that everyone knows that the revenues the country into the Development Fund, founded by President George Bush in order to protect the money from countries and companies that claim to have rights in Iraq before the year 2003. He said al-Asadi said: that the government if it wanted to act باموالها need to be approved by the Development Fund for it under Chapter VII, and this led to be a freedom of action is not complete. ,
and pointed out that the exit from Chapter VII gives greater freedom to act in Iraqi funds by 100 percent, and here It requires the development of a clear business strategies and supportive of the Iraqi economy at all levels of short-, medium-and long-term, especially in light of the growing country’s budget year after year.
revive international relations either economic expert d. Akram Abdel Aziz has confirmed that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII toward Chapter VI, which will be its decisions are not binding would revive international relations with Iraq and restore confidence in the economy and thus be a strong attraction for international companies and capital towards the inside, according to being makes orientations financial autonomous and is far from the pressures and fears of any situation is normal for Iraq.
She said the decision could overshadow the positive on the activities of Iraq’s overall economic, and that this decision has come out of Iraq guardianship is considered Iraq’s state incomplete sovereignty and will become a free state in the management of their funds away from the confiscation and freezing.
assembling the Iraqi industrial Abdul Hassan Shammari said in his speech for the (morning) that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII is a decision in the very important and helps to achieve economic development, pointing out that he will open the horizons wider in the dealings of the country’s economic worldwide . specialized international companies , said the decision was allowed to enter the international companies specialized and relevant international classifications developed to work in the country, which was Chapter VII represents a significant impediment to the presence on the yard work Iraqi and work in the field of project implementation.
said Shammari that the private sector will have a smooth high freedom of presence on the global economy and build strong relationships with international economic blocs. He pointed out that the industrial sector influenced positively to this resolution where it can to supply materials and factories, it was difficult to import at what be a country under Chapter VII where they can supply factories and equipment from Switzerland, Germany and the United States and other countries in the developed world. between the banking sector, the public will be given greater freedom in the process of opening letters of credit that help to activate the flow of money movement.