Maliki, Talabani: left yourself a good imprint on the political process
Maliki, Talabani: left yourself a good imprint on the political process
18:42 20/06/2013
Follow-up – and babysit – Send Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to President Jalal Talabani, a message during which he expressed his happiness positive developments in his health because of the importance of in revving his return and assume responsibilities that will complete the process of building the country.
Maliki said in a letter to “the central role of President Talabani in overcoming obstacles to the functioning of the political process in the country.”
A statement by the prime minister received news agency public opinion a copy of “al-Maliki sent to President Jalal Talabani at the refinery in Germany, which he said .. rejoice each news we receive from the team medical for improving your health and increase prayers you a speedy recovery, health and safety, to return safely to your family and your country of Iraq and to your responsibilities and your role in the construction of this state on the ruins of dictatorship, sectarianism and terrorism and the Baath. ”
He added that “al-Maliki addressed Talabani said .. I’ve left for yourself fingerprints good on the political process and love in the hearts of Iraqis as they pray for you health, safety and prompt return to move together in the way of completing the process of construction and reconstruction, and the power of the state and prevented the delight in which all Iraqis and melt them all barriers and legacies Bad that Baath manufacture and beyond Taúfen and new terrorists. ”
And addresses by President Jalal Talabani in Germany after the crisis befell him at the time of the medical team confirms the supervisor of his health he recovered and the possibility of returning to the country and the exercise of its responsibilities
M. J