Country herded the Maliki government failed

Aziz Okkaily: Country herded the Maliki government failed

18-06-2013 10:43 AM

Country herded the Maliki government failedBaghdad (news) .. accused MP / mass citizen parliamentary / Aziz Okkaily, members of the Federal Government to the implementation of their party, بعيداعن interests of Iraq. said Okkaily (of the Agency news): The government headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for more than eight years did not offer anything to the people and the public interest, but rather serve their interests partisan. added: that the goal of the executive branch is to be with the power of authoritarianism on the country and the political entities, and continued: that the country is driven government failed 100% (to him), there are a lot of obstacles that have occurred Because of the executive authority in dealing with crises and its unwillingness to come up with solutions to address the problems faced by the country. The political scene differences multiple between the blocs, including about Laws accumulated on the shelves of the House of Representatives that have emerged recently, as well as demonstrators in the provinces (Anbar, Salah al-Din, Nineveh) still continuing Batsamanm, which began three months ago, and that the relationship between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government is not serious because of the outstanding issues between the two sides. / End / 31. n. r /