Advanced technology contribute to the growth and development banks
Advanced technology contribute to the growth and development banks
13/06/2013 12:00 AM
Baghdad morning
pointed out a number of specialists affairs banking to the importance of orientation towards banking systems and international work on the transfer of advanced technology and safe adopted by international banks to create a banking sector commensurate with the size of the local labor in the country has a budget financial mounting exceed 138 trillion dinars.
executive director of the Association of private banks in Iraq Abdul Aziz Hassoun said: that the country is in dire need a banking system sophisticated and secure in the possession of the budget annual financial this magnitude and increase continuously as well as if you look at the size of the future work in Iraq and the need for large investment projects need to finance huge, and this requires systems secure and sophisticated suit and the size of future work.
said in an interview (morning): What posed Company Maekerosvet in collaboration with the Central Bank of the original copies Systems advanced banking is a golden opportunity can be utilized to support our sector banking sector and bringing it to the world in the products offered by the various economic sectors, as well as to serve the economy of the Iraqi family. pointed to the necessity of adopting Systems Genuine does not allow leakage of information and can fit our sector bank, who heads the adoption of Systems Banking Court is permeable, because the work relation dragged him large sums into the economy tends to activate all his joints.
continued Hassoun that the adoption of advanced technology enhances the confidence of foreign capital banking sector local, where you’ll find all foreign companies wishing to work in Iraq, considering the reality of the mechanics of the banking sector and offer products before entering the field of local labor, which requires officials at the management and follow-up of this sector need to keep pace with developments in the sector Global money which could be utilized and transferred to within the country and employ them to serve the local economy. either academic specialist in the banking sector d. Sadiq Rashid pointed out the importance of activating the banking sector in general, as it requires it need to promote the management of banks through their participation in training courses inside and outside the country, especially as the international companies have expressed readiness to provide the local banking sector systems, banking on a high degree of modernity and best adopted by international banks . He pointed out that the country is cut off from the world for a long time seen through the banking sector global developments and many in the form of successive stages, which requires redoubled efforts by those on the banking sector to reduce the gap between our sector bank and the world.
Moreover stressed expert banking systems Amin pigment need to develop the scientific level and informational cadres banking, including contributing to the provision of modern banking and safe to operate facilitate their banking daily.
said that Microsoft has provided programs and applications in the recent conference in collaboration with the Central Bank and the Bankers Association to help build and develop the work of banking institutions in addition to the technical acquired by banks through the use of programs that are proper and safe and licensed to reduce the problems that disrupt the work of the banks due to the use of pirated software.
increased, saying that technological development has become one of the major factors for growth in the banking sector therefore have to focus on advanced technology and how the evolution of the banking systems in the country. It also prefers to build companies with global banking institutions to provide them with all the investments and services that elevate banking business, based on the standards of the international electronic service.