Google and Facebook officials are expressing resentment to the U.S. government spy on their subscribers

Google and Facebook officials are expressing resentment to the U.S. government spy on their subscribers

16:52 06/09/2013

Google and Facebook officials are expressing resentment to the U.S. governmentFollow-up – and babysit –
Google officials expressed and Facebook have expressed concern on the freedoms of citizens after the disclosure of the U.S. intelligence community’s access to private data for users of a number of sets of Internet services giants.

The Director General of Google Larry Page and responsible for legal issues David Drummond in a letter published the official website of the group, “understand that governments need to take action to preserve the security of citizens, including sometimes the use of surveillance.”

He added: “But the level of secrecy surrounding the current legal actions hurt the freedoms which we all support.”

He considered this signal “to the need for a more transparent approach.”

As general manager and head of Facebook Mark Zakrberg, has called on governments to “greater transparency in all programs that aim to ensure the security of the public.”

He said in a message posted on his Facebook page “It’s the only way to protect civil liberties for all and the development of a safe and free society we want a long time ago.”

Revealed newspapers “The Guardian” and “The Washington Post” that U.S. intelligence spying secretly on servers nine of the giants of the Internet in the United States, including Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo!, As part of a broad process aimed at residents abroad.

He defended U.S. President Barack Obama, the legality of the surveillance program, stressing that it is limited to communications over the Internet conducted by foreigners “and not the Americans.”

He said that the communication control programs by the U.S. intelligence community has received the approval of Congress, assuring the Americans that “no one is eavesdropping on telephone contacts.”

The terms are almost identical, said Drummond and Zakrberg they “absolutely not heard Prism program the day before.”

It also confirmed that their groups do not take part in “any program that allows the U.S. government or any other government to enter our servers directly.”

M. J