Maliki’s visit to Kurdistan Sunday amid expectations discuss the issue with Barzani regions
Maliki’s visit to Kurdistan Sunday amid expectations discuss the issue with Barzani regions
Published 05/06/2013 12:00 AM
Babinaoz – Agencies : Government sources said «that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will arrive in Erbil next Sunday to visit the place during a joint meeting between the Council of Ministers of the Federal Government and the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan region, and will be the focus of the meeting the agreement reached by al-Maliki and Barzani on resolving the outstanding problems between their governments ». According to Dr. Khairallah Babiker Hassan, Iraqi Trade Minister, «expected the arrival of al-Maliki and his cabinet ministers to Arbil on Sunday morning, and will hold joint meeting upon arrival». source told Information Office of the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan region in connection with the «Middle East» that the Council of Ministers of the region held its weekly meeting yesterday and announced the Prime Minister Barzani «that the federal government initiated the formation of committees for the implementation of the agreement signed between the governments of the federal, regional, and considered it a positive step». expected to be resolved next meeting between the governments of many of the differences and problems existing between them after the emergence of speculation failure of the agreement which was signed by the two governments during the visit of Barzani to Baghdad on 29 April last year, an agreement which stalled without any step executive since that time, but the announcement of Maliki’s visit revived hopes once again approaching the solution to the crisis between the two governments, especially after Maliki ordered the formation of and activation of the sub-committees on the implementation of items seven of the agreement. was regional president Massoud Barzani, told Reuters the day before yesterday that the current round of talks will be the last chance before resorting to other options for dealing with the federal government. According to political observers is expected to consider al-Maliki the question of the federal returned Finally, to the political arena. The issue of the establishment of regions «Shiite» and «Sunny» and «Kurdish» has faced in previous years many objections from the Sunni side, but with the worsening political situation in the country Turn the year and across the demonstrations taking place in their areas to raise the slogan of the establishment of the region federal their own, and this objected to what the Shia, so it is expected to discuss Maliki this issue with Kurdish leaders in order to achieve the least amount of losses and understanding components as a whole. and around the Kurdish position on this issue and in touch with Dr. Jafar Ibrahim Emenki spokesman for the Kurdistan Democratic Party stressed the «Middle East »that the option of federations of the three was the goal of the Kurds at some point after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime and established the position of the Kurdish political leadership on this basis on the grounds that the new democracy in Iraq will not be completed and take root without establishing a strong Iraq, and the strength of Iraq derived from understanding and coexistence and the unity of its basic components It «Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds», this unit difficult to achieve as demonstrated by events after the liberation of the country due to political conflicts and sectarian, and therefore the option of federalism remains the only option for strengthening and consolidating the unity of Iraq, not shredded, as some think, he added: «long ago and the Kurdish leadership Calls to this solution, and put forward this idea in many opposition conferences that preceded the fall of the former regime. He added that «When you put such ideas they do not conflict with the principles of the Constitution.