China “swallow” America economically in Iraq and Washington confirms: we fought and they have benefited

China “swallow” America economically in Iraq and Washington confirms: we fought and they have benefited

Author: HAA
Editor: AF, RS 3.6.2013 18:02

Director of Missan Oil Company signed a contract with a representative of the Chinese company PetroChina in March of the year 2012Range Press / Baghdad
Acknowledged by U.S. officials on Monday, a statement of China recovery Iraqi oil sector in the period after 2003, despite the lack of contribution by the war, and as for drew that Beijing “triumph” for the United States in this aspect by pumping two billion dollars per year in Iraq and the work of companies that accept “simple interest margin”, they stressed that these companies maintain “the stability of Iraq,” while describing the Iraqi oil official Chinese enterprises to “collaborating and distinctive.”
He said an expert on the Middle East at the National Defense University in Washington, Deniz Natalie in an interview with The New York Times, briefed him (range Press), “The Chinese are preparing now one of the largest beneficiaries of the revival of the Iraqi oil sector in the post-Saddam Hussein, they need to sources of energy and want to enter the market as well. ”
He added Natalie that “companies Chinese government exploited Iraq’s entry to the market again after the lifting of economic sanctions with him after the fall of the regime and seized the opportunity to pump around two billion dollars per year in Iraq with sending hundreds of workers to him and more importantly, the Chinese have a desire to accept the terms and provisions of the legislation of the new Iraqi relating to the provisions of the contracts, as accepted by a margin of just a few benefits to their companies to win contracts. ”
For his part, Michel said Makovsky, a former official in the U.S. Department of Defense in the administration of former U.S. President George W. Bush and a specialist policy of Iraq’s oil, “We lost, The Chinese did not participate war, but economically benefited too from Iraq,” noting that “the U.S. Fifth Fleet in the Gulf and forces Air works to protect Iraq’s oil equipment destined for them, “adding that” China has built its own airport to transport workers to the southern Iraqi oil fields, and there are plans to initiate operates direct flights from Beijing and Shanghai to Baghdad soon. ”
Makovsky said that “managers of Chinese companies resident in the city of Basra, luxury hotels Istmilon not speak Arabic only hosts but also know how to talk to Iraqi accent.”
The company Petrojayna Chinese, announced in April 11, 2013 opening of the airport for the transfer of its staff in the field of Halfaya oilfield in Maysan province, (320 kilometers) south of Baghdad, to and from Basra International Airport, and with an eye to the airport runway one, stressed that the move was to protect workers risk of traffic accidents and to maintain security for their safety.
In turn, the deputy general manager of contracts and licenses in the Iraqi Ministry of Oil Abdul Mahdi al-Amidi, that “we do not have any problems with the Chinese, they are very cooperative, but what distinguishes them is that they are Chinese companies, governmental and not companies such as Exxon Mobil or BP or Shell.”
The Chinese National Petroleum Company made earlier in the year 2012 an offer to buy a 60% share of the West Qurna-1 in the province of Basra by Exxon Mobil, despite the rejection recent Sell “Aldhaguetht, but the Chinese company returned and confirmed, on 5 March 2013 , desire to form a partnership with a U.S. company in the oil field.
For his part, Coordinator for International Energy and the U.S. State Department in the Obama administration first David Goldwyn “What concerns us is that the oil is produced and Iraq earns money from it a very positive thing, it would create relationships convergent between China and Iraq, noting that” the Chinese are economic role in the country through their companies to support the system and promote the investment and help the other country in maintaining stability. ”
While the Chinese energy expert said Kevin جيانجون of the American newspaper, “China needs more energy and need to diversify their sources of energy.”
Iraq needs to invest in the field of energy, since oil is the backbone of political and economic life of the country and appreciates the need for Iraq of annual investments up to $ 30 billion to develop oil fields and infrastructure to oil pipelines and build new refineries to be able to reach the production levels set which Stahlh to become one of the pioneers of the power output in the world for decades to come.
Iraq is for China, one of the largest countries that rely on it now in استيراداتها oil, as China is now based on the Department of Energy in the United States of the biggest oil-importing countries in the world to meet its growing domestic consumption and form إستيراداتها from the Middle East more than 50% of the imported total in Beijing to buy is now about half the oil produced by Iraq.
The Ministry of Oil to develop the energy sector through licensing rounds oil and gas began granted to international companies since 2009, and the number of those contracts 11 contracts went to international companies most important (Exxon Mobil) and (BP) and (Shell), while the spread of Chinese companies in the Iraqi oil sector, to become a year after the departure of the U.S. military from Iraq, a fixture in the oil industry, the second largest oil exporter in the system of OPEC oil Contrary to expectations, which pointed out that the U.S. companies Sthmin on the Iraqi market as one of the results of the leadership of the U.S. military to the process of regime change in Baghdad .
It was cleared only 10% of the area of ​​Iraq for deposits of oil and gas with estimated reserves is installed in all parts of the country with estimates ranging between 45 and 215 billion barrels of oil, which creates a great opportunity for international investors who seek to enter the market Iraqi oil and gas through the rounds of the tender announced by the Ministry of Oil
Iraq needs investments worth $ 15-20 billion in investments to create four new refineries and the expansion of the energy sector.
The Iraq’s oil reserves are about 145 billion barrels of oil, except for the reserve is located in the province of Kurdistan, which currently produces about 3 million barrels, emits about 2.5 million barrels per day, while maintaining the remaining quantities of the refinery to meet local needs.