Allawi representative in the Conference Hakim: establishing trust is more important than hugs do not benefit from any Manmr without activating the Erbil agreement
Allawi representative in the Conference Hakim: establishing trust is more important than hugs do not benefit from any Manmr without activating the Erbil agreement
Range Press / Baghdad Welcomed the leader of the Iraqi List, Hamid al-Mutlaq “conservatively” Conference (Iraq first) hosted by the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, on Saturday, and stressed that “the establishment of trust” between the political forces and the government, and “Finish” rampant corruption and the proliferation of militias again, “the most important briefings or hugs, “stressing that” no benefit “of any meeting without activating the agreements, including the Convention on Arbil.
Mutlaq said in a press conference held at his home in Baghdad, attended (range Press), “It was yesterday’s meeting of the parties to the political process in Iraq and its leaders have been a lot of talk about the credibility of those conferences,” and added “the position of Iraq, and As attended the meeting a representative of Iyad Allawi, is it is not permissible for any Iraqis loyal only to bless such conferences in order to address the poor economic conditions, security and political. “
He said al-Mutlaq, “We must not look at the results,” and added, “But look at the situation that led to the worsening matters and address rampant corruption and bribery, and the proliferation of militias again,” noting that by saying, “We call for the establishment of confidence between the political forces and the government and not be such conferences just to briefings or just a hug. “
Mutlaq considered that “These are important points that should be heeded by those present at the conference in order to achieve the desired goal,” noting that “otherwise the Iraqis will be disappointed from this conference.”
He stressed Mutlaq, who confirmed that his “represents the position of Allawi,” on “the necessity of activating the agreements among politicians, including the Erbil agreement,” stressing that “there is no point in meeting if we do not do conventions, although we emphasize on these meetings.”
And Hamid al-Mutlaq pointed out that “the Iraqi leader Ayad Allawi did not boycott the conference,” he explained, “I had contact with Allawi before a meeting of delegates sent me with him to his presence.”
He called leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, on Saturday, in front of the conference, which called for political blocs and their leaders and representatives of the communities to resolve the crisis, to meet in the middle, and open serious dialogue on the estimated level phase through which Iraq, and to give word of honor that the difference under the roof of the Constitution and the fight against terrorism and calls for partition and “Saddam’s Baath” and make concessions, also called for the independence of the judiciary and the balance in the army and security forces should be under the supervision of civil authority away from politicization and not be used to suppress the people.
As correspondent (range Press), who attended the conference (Iraq first) called for by al-Hakim said the conference ended shortly after the end of the word al-Hakim, and pointed out that the present contented themselves with eating juice and shake hands with each other and out, pointing out that the most prominent events in the conference necking between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi, who confirmed that the dispute with al-Maliki is “not personally” but views.
And saw a meeting attended by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi and Vice President Khodair al, and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq, and Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways, the Deputy Prime Minister for Affairs Energy Hussain al-Shahristani, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail, and former Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib, the former House Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, and Minister of Defense Agency Saadoun al-Dulaimi, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Adnan al-Asadi, and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, National Security Adviser Faleh al-Fayad, Minister of Youth and Sports, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, Transport Minister Hadi al-Ameri, the head of the Presidium of the Republic Naseer Ani, and Minister of Migration and Displacement Dndar الدوسكي, and leader of the Iraqi List, Salman Jumaili, in addition to former oil minister Mohammed Bahr al-Ulum, and Rep. independent Safiya al-Suhail, the secretary-general of the Communist Party Hamid Majid Moussa, a spokesman for mass united Dhafer al-Ani Was also attended by the President of Shiite Endowment Saleh al-Haidari, the head of the Sunni Endowment Ahmed Abdul-Ghafoor Samarrai, Cardinal Louis Sako, the Shiite cleric Hussein Bahr al-Ulum, and the head of Iraqi scientists Khalid Al Mulla, the Mufti of the Sunnis and the community in Iraq, Sheikh Mehdi al-Sumaidaie.
This meeting is broader in its kind since the meeting of July 9, 2011, sponsored by President Jalal Talabani to resolve differences between the coalition of state law and Iraq, and announced then Talabani told a news conference the formation of a committee to resolve the differences between the political blocs and described Talabani, the atmosphere of the meeting was positive and frank, which dominated understandings good, He pointed out that the discussions touched on the issue of activating the agreements Erbil, in addition to the issue of the U.S. presence in Iraq.
It was one of the most prominent of those present at the meeting House Speaker Osama Nujaifi and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, head of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi and President of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari.
He was the second meeting after the first meeting held on 20 June 2010 at the home of Talabani amid absence of the leader of the list “of Iraq,” Iyad Allawi, leader of the “Alliance” national Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani.
At the second meeting, it was agreed to form a committee by the political blocs to follow up the agreements of Arbil and resolve outstanding problems.
The three leaders Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and parliament speaker Osama Najafi agreed in the (January 10, 2012) after a meeting of the Office of Talabani to hold a national conference of all political forces to address issues related to governance and the state and to develop solutions crisis has, but the meeting did not materialize then because of the objection of the Kurds and the Iraqi conference in Baghdad and insisting on his contract in Iraqi Kurdistan.
And fired the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, on May 23 last year, an initiative to “strengthen confidence and gather the political parties,” and called on all parties to sit at the round table once again overcome political differences and not to raise the ceiling of demands and discuss security developments and events in the western provinces through constructive dialogue and serious In order to overcome the crisis.
The Supreme Council declared, in the 30 of May, 2013, that the meeting, which was called by the leader of the Council Ammar al-Hakim to resolve the political crisis has been identified today Saturday, 01/06/2013 in the office of al-Hakim in Baghdad, “noting that” the Supreme Council may face calls to all the parties to the current political crisis Add attendance has been confirmed by most of the invitees. “
He announced the Islamic Supreme Council in Iraq, yesterday the first Friday, the 31st of May, 2013, that the leaders who have confirmed their attendance to the roundtable called by the President of the Council Ammar al-Hakim tomorrow are only four, and pointed out that the most prominent of not confirm their attendance so far are “Barzani and al-Sadr, Allawi and Abu Risha, “and expressed the hope that this meeting will contribute to” break the ice “between the political and resolving some of the problems.
The meeting comes Hakim with the statement issued by the United Nations, on Saturday, and confirmed that no less than 3442 had been killed and wounded in last May as a result of violent operations witnessed different parts of the country, and stressed it was “very sad” to such a large number, called upon the leaders Iraqi politicians to “act” urgently “stop the bleeding unbearable.”