Iraq’s active presence in the economic agreements

Iraq’s active presence in the economic agreements


Bgadad – Mustafa al-Hashemi is Iraq’s accession to organizations and blocs financial and economic of the key things that are in favor of the economy through the effects of direct and indirect most important to diversify the state’s resources and lack of dependence on oil pole unite the country’s economy.

Iraq has membership in organizations of different economic Calayrbosaa and UNCTAD and the Union Arab banks, as well as his presence as an observer member of the WTO and other organizations.

said a researcher at the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform Ahmed Husseini said Iraq’s accession to such a economic blocs regional and international and Arab countries have a positive impact directly and others indirectly.

said in a statement (morning) : The direct effects are abide by the terms and the terms of accession for those organizations that will raise the efficiency of the Iraqi economy, which انعزل completely from the outer perimeter of more than 3 decades, pointing out that joining would make Iraq open more on the economies of other countries, as well as the conditions of accession to economic organizations aiming to reform the financial and banking sectors and productivity in general as it is necessary to diversify the budget resources away from the sole supplier of the economy represented by the oil to support the process of economic development. said Husseini to that of the positive effects of direct as well, that are in support of the economy, is reform balance of payments, trade and diversification including reflected on the reality of living and economic status of the Iraqi people. noted Husseini that the indirect effects of Iraq’s accession to such gatherings is Banekasha on the cultures of the Iraqi society as we see it now, for example, to enter the digital world and the spread of computer use.

stressed that Iraq that offers something for member states in international organizations that wish to join it as an international trade, for example, it is not reasonable that does not offer production or product is characterized by all other countries, indicating that it is this section must enter Iraq as such organizations because of the Salah its economy battered by the wrong policies.

For its part, supported economic expert peace Sumaisem Iraq’s accession to the conglomerates of financial and banking regional because it will push towards the development of financial and banking sector of the country.

reported Sumaisem (morning) that Iraq needs to join such regional arrangements to facilitate and accelerate the movement and transfer funds between member states and the world because Iraq, whatever his position, is part of the world and it keep pace with the evolution in it.

added that the eyes of the world are now turning towards the financial markets and commercial traffic in Iraq as a promising market, but there are some laws and outdated legislation restricting the economy and make it live stage of the economic system Central rather than be at the stage of market economy.