Zebari for “CNN:” Iraq is facing a bad situation but it will not slide to civil war or sectarian

Zebari for “CNN:” Iraq is facing a bad situation but it will not slide to civil war or sectarian

23/05/2013 (00:01 pm)

Zebari for Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in an exclusive interview with “CNN” American news that lack of political confidence and faith in each cause violence, stressing that Iraq is not in a breakup.
The station said the U.S. that Iraq is witnessing some of the worst violence since the civil war in 2006, referring to the deaths of hundreds over the past weeks, killing dozens on Monday alone in a wave of bombings and retaliatory bombings targeted Sunni and Shi’ite areas. However, she says the station, stresses and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, that the country is not in a breakup.
Zebari said the network “CNN” News of America, in an exclusive interview Tuesday, “In fact we are worried because of the rise in the number of terrorist attacks and also increased sectarian tension,” but said Foreign Minister stressed that “the country is sliding into civil war or sectarian war.”
That Minister Zebari, in an interview with unusually frank, he admitted many failures on the part of his government, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and their inability to rise above sectarian differences.
Zebari said that “the government has failed.’m Not here to give you a rosy picture or draw you a picture is not realistic. But the country is not in meltdown mode,” stressing that “Iraq had seen worse than it is now.”
Zebari felt that “this violence a direct result of the lack of political progress among politicians.”
Zebari said that “what is missing is the political lack of trust and faith in each other,” he said, adding “we have lost the service provided by an honest broker. Previously, this was the broker representing the United States.”
The station suspended Zebari said that the government accused of excessive concentration of power, which is most often practiced tyranny in their own way up like the regime of Saddam, who was ousted Sunni.
The network added that critics of Prime Minister al-Maliki say he bears a large part of the responsibility, but that some of them say that the time has come to leave because of excessive reliance on close Shiites and Policy dealers.
Zebari said that “the new Iraq can not be judged one set or a single national or a one-man or one party. These days are gone,” adding that “lies with the Iraqi voters in the future to change their government through the ballot box.”
Zebari revealed that American network “at a meeting of the Council of Ministers recently there was a very frank discussion on the need to alleviate the rhetoric.”
Zebari said “it is necessary for the government that transcends trends sectarianism,” he said, adding that “the Prime Minister acting as head of the Council of Ministers of all societies, not for one community against another., And there should be procedures accountable for all of these security breaches and killings of innocent of these” .
