Planning Minister reveals send the five-year plan to the government for approval

Planning Minister reveals send the five-year plan to the government for approval

11:36 05/19/2013

Planning Minister reveals send the five-year plan to the government for approvalBaghdad – and babysit – revealed by the Ministry of Planning for sending the new five-year plan to the Cabinet for approval, saying that the lack of security and political stability has led to non-achievement of the last plan objectives. ”
The Minister of Planning Ali Shukri said in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of it on Sunday, “said the plan new five-year (2013-2017) was sent to the Cabinet for approval, stressing that the five-year plan years (2010 – 2014) did not achieve its goals in the Access to the extent that drawn by the United Nations in providing development services to citizens, “attributing the cause to” lack of security and political stability. ”

He pointed to the involvement of the private sector and the provinces in the preparation of the new five-year plan. “Announcing a chapter to the private sector and the separation of investment in the new five-year plan.” He stressed that there is no solution to poverty in Iraq, but the existence of private sector investment and active. “P / h