Finance parliamentary: the need for legislation of a law to protect deposits at banks
Finance parliamentary: the need for legislation of a law to protect deposits at banks
19-05-2013 12:21 PM
Baghdad (news) .. Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Ahmed Faizullah, the importance of legislation to a special law to protect deposits in Iraqi banks for the purpose of encouraging people to save their money in banks. said Faizullah (of the Agency news): The majority of countries in the world attach great importance to how to bring the deposits of local banks in terms of issuing laws and regulations, protect and identify the proportion profits. added: that the Iraqi banks need to legislation law to protect deposits to enhance the confidence of the citizen out and cause them to bid farewell to their money in banks, civil and governmental, and thus enhance the possibility of banks, financial and their contribution to development projects of the country. mentioned that the Association of private banks confirmed that the proportion of deposits with banks, ranging from 65 to 68 trillion Iraqi dinars, of which not to exceed 22 trillion dinars deposits of private banks. consists of the banking system in Iraq from forty-three banks as well as the Central Bank and distributed by ownership between (7) state banks and (30) Ahli Bank, including (7) Islamic banks, in addition to (6) of foreign banks. / End / 8.’s. m /