Urgent: White House extends the national state of emergency on Iraq an additional year!

Urgent: White House extends the national state of emergency on Iraq an additional year

Published 18/05/2013 11:18 AM

Central Bank of Iraq- Iraqi dinarBabinaoz – Agencies: U.S. President Barack Obama extended the national state of emergency, which means the stability of Iraq for an additional year after 22 / May 2013.
And the deployment of the White House issued a statement in which he explained Obama’s decision to continue working the contents of Executive Order 13303, issued on March 22 / March 2003, and was amended under executive orders 13315 and 13350 and 13364 and 13438, on the declaration if an emergency to protect Iraq and dealing with exceptional threat to national security and U.S. foreign policy as a result barriers resulting from the reconstruction of Iraq and the establishment of peace and stability and development of the political and administrative institutions and economic development there.
The statement added that as a result of the continuing obstacles to the reconstruction of Iraq and restore and maintain peace and security in it, and the development of political institutions, administrative and economic, in what constitutes a threat to national security and U.S. foreign policy, the President has decided the U.S., under paragraph (20 d) of the Code of national emergency, the extension case Emergency efforts to bring stability there is an additional year.
Obama signed the extension of the state of emergency and forwarded it to Congress.
