Talabani to return home soon
Talabani to return home soon
18/05/2013 12:00 AM
The medical team confirmed the enjoyment of good health
BAGHDAD – morning
supervisor of the team treating President Jalal Talabani, the possibility of the return of President to come home soon. has confirmed Dr. Necmettin cream, politburo member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and is authorized to declare on the health of the President of the Republic, President Talabani’s health is very good. Karim said in a news conference with the supervisor of the medical team treating the President of the Republic in Germany on Friday, that “Talabani’s health is very good now compared to what it was before five months, “he said, adding that his health is improving day after day for the
better. thanked Dr. Necmettin cream, the medical team for their order of President Talabani’s health.
their part, said members of the medical team improved the health of the President Republic, pointing out that he could return to the homeland after the end of treatment.