Academy: Time is not suitable for Iraq’s entry into the World Trade because it would hurt the economy
Academy: Time is not suitable for Iraq’s entry into the World Trade because it would hurt the economy
16-05-2013 10:28 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Warned the academic and university professor Hamid al-Musawi, of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization at the time does not export non-oil for the country, because it will encourage the import external without activating the productive sectors. Moussawi said (of the Agency news): Iraq No has export commodity, whether oil, Vandmamh to the World Trade Organization during the current period will serve the economies of the member states of the organization, and hurt the Iraqi economy. added: must strive towards activating the productive sectors Kalsnaaa and agricultural Iraq can fill the need of domestic consumer goods and then move to the stage of export, to become one of the industrialized nations and agricultural exporter in the world, and then be thinking about how to enter the WTO. This has revealed the Ministry of Commerce in 2016 will see the completion of procedures for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization WTO. indicated that Iraq occupies Since 2004 recipe observer member in the World Trade Organization. / End / 8.’s. m /