Chap 7-Kobler of Basra: sacrifice Iraq will facilitate the exit of international sanctions and die relations with Kuwait in

The representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Martin Kobler, Thursday, that Iraq approached the exit of Chapter VII, and confirmed by the province of Basra, which held visiting them for the acts of demarcation that “sacrifice Iraq” will facilitate him out of international sanctions and gives relations better with its neighbors.

Said Kobler during a joint press conference with the governor of Basra behind Abdul Samad after a meeting with officials of the city and attended (range Press) that “paragraph border demarcation and implementation will allow the Iraq exit from Chapter VII,” revealing “-sought UN to remove Iraq from the threat of sanctions.”

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a March 22, 2013, that Iraq will begin building a city made up of 220 homes in Basra allocated to farmers area Safwan compensation for their homes, and drew that it was agreed with Kuwait to reduce the buffer zone of 500 meters to 50 meters, he noted that work to end the remaining files with Kuwait will be bilaterally away from the United Nations.

The price Kobler during the visit briefed them on the latest developments procedures for implementing the border demarcation between race and Kuwait and transactions remove role on the border, and pay compensation to their owners, “Iraq’s position his efforts aimed at lifting the seventh item with him, as a” sacrifice for the lifting of international sanctions, “pointing out that “Relations with Kuwait does not stop at the end of the demarcation of the border, but there are economic and trade relations and sporting events of interest to the two countries and the two peoples.”

He Kubler that “Basra is a major player in the re-economic and political relations with the countries of the region and not Kuwait only through trade exchange and economic and sentenced its referring to outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait have been resolved through Basra, such as channel Khor Abdullah and Iraq’s borders by Umm Qasr “.

For his part, the governor of Basra, Khalaf said Abdul Samad during a press conference that “three role has been removed with the consent of the owners and request compensation for them,” he said, adding that “this role is the key point in the implementation of procedures for the demarcation of the border in the Umm Qasr area with Kuwait.”

Abdul Samad confirmed that “coincided Ahmad Fahd al-Sabah’s visit to Basra and in response the people of the role to be removed for compensation interpreted as a response to the visit while it is pure coincidence and agreement time frame.”

The head of the Olympic Council of Asia, Sheikh Ahmad Fahd al-Sabah said during his visit Basra yesterday that “Basra is now eligible more than ever to host events Gulf 22 years 2015″, adding that Tzaarth and inspecting facilities Sports City in Basra, reflecting support and their matter sports in the State Kuwait to file hosting Iraq tournament next Gulf.

Noteworthy that the demarcation of the border and extending the pipe and install security requires removal of border pillars 3 role in the first phase and then removing 102 House a second stage of the demarcation of the border, local officials and indicates in the Umm Qasr area that could be harmed even Iraqi ports in the event of new border demarcation with Kuwait.

And announced the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, on Thursday, the formation of a committee to compensate farmers contractors on land located within the border region between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti sides confirmed that these lands have become “princely”.

The move comes the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in compensation to farmers who own land located between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti sides after tensions between residents of the Iraqi border with Kuwait because of the UN resolutions to give part of Iraqi territory to Kuwait as part of a border demarcation between the two countries.

The source familiar with border guards Iraqi revealed, on the seventh of March 2013, for a meeting Iraqi border guards and Kuwaiti Committee of the United Nations to study the implementation of agreements between the two governments to demarcate the new borders between them, saying that there was 250 houses inhabited by Iraqis in Umm Palace will be cleared of its inhabitants and turn the land to the sovereignty of Kuwait, according to those agreements, the local government of Basra expressed distaste for “forcing Iraq to give up its territory.

The area has seen the border between Iraq and Kuwait over the past two weeks, demonstrations carried out by residents of Umm Qasr to protest the construction tube separator between the two countries, and threatened with exposure to Kuwaitis in the event to continue its construction, as deputies asked Basra in the Iraqi parliament on 12 March current, the Governments of Iraq and Kuwait and the United Nations to stop new demarcation procedures and rejected annexation of the oil wells in the region to the Kuwaiti sovereignty until reaching a solution satisfactory to both parties and reconsider the agreement signed by the previous regime with Kuwait.

But to respond Kuwaiti these calls came on the same day, through a complaint filed by the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry, the United Nations and the Government of Iraq expressed its “displeasure” of the demonstrations that came out of citizens and Iraqi officials near the border with Iraq, and stressed that she handed government Iraqi statement protesting the “irresponsible act” which witnessed the region, and demanded that the Iraqi government empowering the difference border from performing its service “for the benefit of Iraq”, expressing willingness Kuwait to cooperate with the “neutral party” to assess the situation in the file ports Mubarak of Kuwait and FAO Iraqi.

It is noteworthy that the UN Security Council issued a year (1993) Resolution No. (833) which provides for the demarcation of the border between Kuwait and Iraq, and the extended length of approximately (216) km, and led the implementation of resolution partially under the previous regime to deduct large swathes of Iraqi territory and annexed to land Kuwaiti land included in the Safwan area and in the area of Umm Qasr has become since the mid-nineties the whole within the boundaries of the State of Kuwait.

Objected many Iraqi officials after the fall of the former regime in 2003 to complete the procedures of land border demarcation between the two countries in accordance with Resolution No. 833, considering that the decision imposed on Iraq under international pressure in unusual circumstances.

In 2005 he attacked dozens of residents of my part of Safwan and Umm Qasr foreign company was building a pipeline to the demarcation of the land border, has led those protests and the accompanying bombing follows mortar to stop working on the project before completion.