Asadi reveals the disappearance of {24} billion dinars from Basra since 2009
Sunday, April 1 / April 2012 11:44
Asadi reveals the disappearance of {24} billion dinars from Basra since 2009
{Basra} Euphrates News A member of the Integrity Committee in Parliament MP Hussein al-Asadi for the disappearance of {24} billion dinars from Basra since 2009, pointing out that “the money was unaccounted for until now.”
The MP of the state law has revealed Hussein al-Asadi told the News} {Euphrates last Friday for a delay in some important projects in the …governorate of Basra because of poor contracting, financial and administrative corruption of up to hundreds, and most strategic projects.
Asadi said in a conference Sahfaihdharh Agency correspondent {Euphrates News} today that “We are following this issue with the FSA,” and that “most of the money came through the donor countries has been to withdraw the money spent, but for an unknown destination!”.
He stressed that “there are processes in the waste of public money since 2009.” Is over 42 m