Adoption of the oil and gas law agreed format will solve the oil crisis between Arbil and Baghdad

Attorney Shara: Adoption of the oil and gas law agreed format will solve the oil crisis between Arbil and Baghdad

25-03-2013 12:31 PM

Baghdad (news) .. Exclude a member of the Oil and Energy Committee MP / National Alliance / Furat al-Shara, ending outstanding differences between the Kurdistan region and the federal government on oil exploration after the ratification of oil and gas law principle of parliamentary majority, stressing the importance of acknowledging format agreed by all. Shara said (of the Agency news) : The oil and gas law is one of the important laws and sensitive at the same time because he cares wealth hydrocarbon actress in oil and gas, and recommended by the Constitution as the king of all the Iraqi people. continued: can not pass a law of oil and gas without the presence of consensus by the parliamentary blocs to end all disputes between Kurdistan Region and the federal government regarding the extraction and exploration of oil. added: that the dialogue and the formation of joint committees and meetings continued the best ways to get out of oil crisis between Erbil and Baghdad, and must deal the federal government with the Kurdistan Region as part of the state to end the differences between the center and the province. / end / 8. n. p /