The coming days will witness a breakthrough in the political crisis, despite the severity of the crisis

Amer Al-Fayez: the coming days will witness a breakthrough in the political crisis, despite the severity of the crisis

14-03-2013 08:33 AM

Baghdad (news) .. Predicted MP / National Alliance / Amer Al-Fayez, to witness the coming days a breakthrough in the political crisis, noting that the personal interests are caused crises experienced by the political process.
said Fayez said in a statement (of the Agency news): The country accustomed to political crises since 2003 till now and aggravated day by day, but it appears that there are signs of a breakthrough, and everyone should believe in the democratic process new. added: Although the time differences long but Stnfarag at any moment, the lack of feasibility of arms to resolve conflicts and everyone believed that there option is dialogue and sit at the negotiating table and make concessions from all parties to reach a solution to the differences. said the National Alliance MP to: that partisan interests and personal advanced the public interest of the country and this has created crises large. The political scene differences multiple between the blocs, including about laws accumulated on the shelves House of Representatives, and corruption cases that have emerged recently, as well as demonstrators in the provinces (Anbar, Salahuddin, Nineveh) are still continuing Batsamanm which began two months ago, and that the relationship between the KRG and the federal government, semi-broken because of the outstanding issues between the parties. / end / 2. n. p /