The eyes of history we turn all the pages .. Iraq and Kuwait?
The eyes of history we turn each page whatever be in the interest of the history can not be fraud pages real because it is preserved in several cabinets in several states and empires still!!!. in 1711 AD originated Kuwait after it was built (Mohammed bin snap bin Araar) leader of the Bani Khalid bulwark for him. 1736 AD delegation of Al-Sabah in Kuwait with groups Utub mobile in 1756 AD has been selected the morning of the first elders in 1829 ADadmitted Shaikh of Kuwait sovereign Ottoman him and he was paid an annual tribute is a quantity of rice and dates provided by the Sheikh to the governor of Baghdad. in 1831 he visited Kuwait travelers.. Stocklr The villagers no more than 5,000 people in 1832 AD said Brooks absence of any reference to the authority of Sheikh of Kuwait north of John (Kuwait Bay) in 1866 pointed out Bailey in his report that the road around the port of Kuwait diameter ranging between 8 to 10 miles an affiliate family of the morning and then considered the far outer boundaries of what belonging to this family. in 1870 scientists geographers – Warba and Bubiyan islands Tkonta of Arsabat river (the Tigris and Euphrates), so you should be sovereignty for Iraq because it is from land that is added to the region due to natural factors. in 1870 issued a Medhat Pasha decree outlining the relationship of Kuwait the Ottoman Empire be spend Ottoman belonging to the jurisdiction of Basra and the granting of the elders of Kuwait, the title of mayor, rather than linked to the state of Baghdad. in 1875 issued a Medhat Pasha Furman Ottoman annexation of Kuwait and the Hasa and Qatif, Basra, Nasiriyah, Qurna and architecture to the state of Basra, under the command of Naser Almentvki (Iraq) in 1898, Britain refused the development of Kuwait under British protection because they are the property of the Ottoman Empire, in 1899hastened Britain’s contract agreement with the elders of Kuwait called the Convention on the protection in the sense implied, in which a secret clause provides for the protection chieftain Kuwait against any external aggression has been the effect of this item a secret .. in 1899 issued bodies Ottoman statement showed the that the agreement signed between Kuwait and Britain and make Kuwait within the British Protectorate declared invalid because it was not for the Sheikh of Kuwait’s legitimate right by holding them. in 1901 , Dr. Rosen in Germany that Sheikh Mubarak was a citizen of Ottoman normal. in 1901 led by Recep Captain first military movement to demand in Kuwait when he went Bbachrth with a group of young men and the face of a warning to the Sheikh of Kuwait to bow to him or leave .. in 1902 the second attempt led by activist Iraqi Youssef Ibrahim of Basra, who knew of Kuwait Abdul-Aziz al-Rashid as a hero and a legend to use a group of ships and boats of the Shatt al-Arab and intercepted by the British navy and most of its troops from Indian . in 1902 the answer to the Ottoman Empire on the borders of Kuwait ‘Safwan and Umm Qasr and Bubiyan’ these areas do not fall within the borders of Kuwait. in 1902 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Britain ‘Lord Lansdown’ in a note that our obligations towards the Sheikh is well-defined, as well as respect within the Emirate and for a mother Palace saw the British government that the allegation, Sheikh ownership is 1902 hastened the Ottoman state in response to the Convention on the protection to set up Hsnin in Safwan and the other in Umm Qasr and a bulwark III includes 20 soldiers at the head of Gate at the eastern end of the island of Boubyan with the knowledge that these areas do not interfere with the exercise Sheikh of Kuwait to his authority. in 1907 discussed the Major Talks British Political Resident in Kuwait fishermen Awazem who violated and broke the allegations of Sheikh Mubarak on the island of Warba and concluded that the allegations are weak should be based on the principles and real evidence assigned claims Sheikh Mubarak. in 1908 was printed manual Gulf Lorimer in which he referred ‘The borders of Kuwait in the most volatile and non-clear’ in 1908 notes and the British Foreign Office confirmed that the borders of Kuwait were not accurate, but were not known. in 1908 he met Sir Percy Cox in the desert of Aqeer and decided that separates Kuwait from Iraq, when drawing the borders of Kuwait in terms of Iraq Use Alfaragal and not the ruler to draw a line curve (half circle) from the north Vslkh tens of square kilometers of land Provincial Basra and annexation of Kuwait, while ‘Edward Heath’, Undersecretary of the Foreign Office when drawing the borders of Kuwait in 1961 drawing a straight line starting from the point of drilling subcontractor and ends at Al Jahra on the Persian Gulf. in 1909 The Lorimer said that Sheikh Mubarak was calling Bdzerta Bubiyan and Orbh The government of India, searching always for evidence supports and confirms allegations of Sheikh Mubarak Al-ownership of the island of Warba. in 1909 the first agreement between the governments of the Ottoman and British indicates that the wells south of Umm Qasr and Safwan, Jabal hump leave these places and what they wells of the mandate of Basra. in 1911 was annexed and the housewife to Kuwait, although there is no real evidence assigned claims Sheikh Mubarak. in 1912 suggested that William Shakespeare British Political Resident in Kuwait that the Kuwaiti border the proposed should be based on the real control the water wells by the tribes, with allegiance to the Sheikh of Kuwait, the smallest of the area of the above and offer to Wimmer. in 1923 has drawn Britain the Iraqi border, South-efficient to prevent the Iraqi state to get a waterfront on the Persian Gulf and the difficulty in the export of oil, was deliberately to get the waterway is easy to Persian Gulf. in 1920informed the British High Commissioner in Iraq, Sheikh Salem Al-Shaikh of Kuwait at the time that the Treaty of 1913, may champion effect. in 1923 a conference Aqeer At the invitation of the British to demarcate the border between Kuwait and Najd and Iraq and was present, Major Moore, British Political Resident in Kuwait and Mr. Dixon, and Ibn Saud and Sir Percy Cox, British Political Resident in the Gulf, Abd al-Latif Pasha handkerchief and Amin Rihani, and Dr. Abdullah Damluji and Sabih Wahabi and Major Holmes appears to form the Committee that it will implement the plan developed by the United Kingdom is trying to isolate Iraq from the Persian Gulf and the insect in the neck of the bottle . in 1924 called Yassin Al Hashimi Prime Minister of Iraq to return Kuwait to be under the jurisdiction of Iraq. in 1932 believed (Richard Schofield) that the British government introduced in the late thirties outline of the borders of Iraq – Kuwait based on the map wrong were the accounts of sites are false. in 1932 objected to the team Jafar military and the Iraqi defense minister to these limits on the basis of the strategic location of Orbh and Bubiyan, which Iraq needs and Tkonta of Alarsabat which brings the Shatt al-Arab. in 1933 on the tenth of March rose up a group of young people in Kuwait City, demanding appended in Iraq. in 1933 a letter of 6 young men from Kuwait to King Ghazi, King of Iraq ‘We are Iraqis for flesh and blood, history and geography we live and die under the flag Hashemite Save Kuwait before they weep upon blood’ in 1933 Radio SFA built by King Ghazi in the garden of his palace and broadcast them frankly and force to restore Kuwait and dedicated radio broadcast calls of young people of Kuwait and the songs National. in 1935asked the Department of Survey of India ought to be Iraqi-Kuwaiti border on the new maps, especially as expressions of determination to the Convention 1932 was vague and inaccurate. in 1937 convinced Clark Kerr the advice of Major Edmund adviser to the Iraqi Interior Ministry that it is time to re-planning of the Iraqi border as a result ambiguities and errors in the Convention 1932. in 1938interview with Tawfiq Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iraq to the British ambassador in Baghdad, Kuwait should return to Iraq as it was formerly part of Basra ‘. in 1938 Memorandum of the Foreign Minister of Iraq Tawfiq Suwaidi ‘before the First World War (1914 to 1918 ) Kuwait was autonomous within the mandate of Basra, as the Iraqi government and the heir to the Ottoman government in the states of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra Therefore, we believe Kuwait should be united with Iraq If that happens, the Iraqi government is ready to grant Kuwait autonomy without any sensitivity of loyalty ‘. in 1938, newspapers began to Iraq’s call for annexation of Kuwait to the Hashemite throne in Iraq. in 1939 , said the Jawdat Ayyubid ware Foreign Affairs of Iraq ‘that Iraq will build a jetty can accommodate two ships south of Umm Qasr and for the protection of this port must Kuwait to give up the islands of Warba and Bubiyan and without compensation, but resident Chargé d’affaires the British insisted on the provision of appropriate compensation personalized gift for the sheikh of Kuwait. in 1941reported the name of Kuwait frequently in speeches the leaders of the revolution Maes being a special Iraqi Colonel Salah al-Din pigment. in 1955 called Nuri Said the Prime Minister of Kuwait by Iraq in the House. in 1957, a previous attempt had been made to secure the entry of Kuwait Union Hashemi as a solution to join the State of Iraq and threatened to Nuri as-Said a letter to British Foreign Secretary that he would Kuwaitis to back wall Jahra (80 km south of the Kuwaiti border on 2/8/1990 m.) in 1958 was considered Nuri Said Prime Minister of Iraq that the agreement of Britain with the elders Kuwait in 1899 are void and no limits Kuwaiti disagree, everything outside the fence of Kuwait with a length of 750 meters is the Iraqi government is ready to use armed force in case of belonging to 1958 a memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq to the British embassy in Baghdad to remind Avaidah Kuwait to Iraq since ancient times until the dissolution of the (fall) of the Ottoman Empire. in 1961 called for Major General Abdul Karim Kassem in Kuwait being the elimination extension Brigade Basra and said, ‘The Kuwait part of Iraq and that that fact confirmed by the history will not succeed colonialism in obliterating or distorting’ .. in 1961 Peter Salnger – Even before 1961, were not Kuwait and received in 1961, Kuwait became a country without borders. in 1961 in 25/6/1961 Bader Abdul Karim Qassim to announce the return of Kuwait to the motherland and the appointment of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah Qaúmqama of Kuwait follower of acting in Basra and a salary of 90 dinars a month and moved British troops to protect Kuwait and the declaration of independence. in 1963, expanding the borders of Kuwait until they reached the area called (Mutlaa) and became the border, which stamped out passports to enter and leave. in 1963 did not complete agreement demarcating the border between Iraq and Kuwait in 1963, the formal procedures of constitutional ratification by the legislature and the president of Iraq and therefore are considered non-existent or negligible in any negotiations to come. in 1963 told the team Salih Mahdi Ammash Iraq’s defense minister in 1963 that President Gamal Abdel Nasser told an Iraqi delegation met him in Cairo in the presence of the team for that insured eligibility Iraq to claim Bminaúh natural in Kuwait and his position at the time of Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1961 only to miss the opportunity to the British so as not to Anfredoa role Hamaihalkwyt. in 1966 , said Major General Naji called on Iraq’s Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Chairman of the Kuwaiti delegation that visited Iraq ‘cut off the hands of of the sign to you on the border ‘.. in 1973 signed the first incident with the Kuwaitis when it decided to force the Iraqi border to stop the process of biting a gradual Iraqi territory in the south and return centers Kuwaiti border a few miles back in the area known as (silent). in 1983 when it implemented the Iranian Group attempt to assassinate the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber is Saddam Hussein, commander of the Iraqi forces, the Iraqi air force to the implementation of an air strike deep inside Iran in retaliation for the attempt of Iran to kill Sheikh Jaber and to be a disciplined them so as not to repeat it. in 1989 Sabah, Minister of Foreign Affairs and chairs the Security Committee gave specific instructions since final months of the year 1989 to restrict the movement of Iraqis in Kuwait and the call numbers of them for interrogation and torture and then expelled to Iraq, and that is installed in the documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait. in 1990the word of Saddam Hussein on 25/7/1992 for the ambassador in Iraq Miss (April Glaspie) if Astammeltm methods of pressure and coercion, we will work in a way the pressure and the use of force, we do not want war, but does not Tdfohna because we consider it the only way for us to live his generosity and live the rest of us happy, when they insist on weakening Iraq, they are helping the enemy at that it is Iraq’s right to defend himself .. in 1981 , said Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on 17/1/1981 M ‘that Iraq wants to normalize relations with Kuwait and wants to solve the border problem with Kuwait Balrouhah will resolve the problems of the border with Saudi Arabia and Jordan and negotiations even without a basis. in 1990 AD on 2/8/1990 Iraqi forces entered in punitive action against the Kuwaiti government. in 1988 visited the Sheikh Saad Al Abdullah Al Sabah, Iraq, during a bilateral meeting between him and Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, Vice President Saddam Hussein said, if any Izzat Ibrahim put to the debate that the island ‘and goddess’ island of Iraqi and there creep Kuwaiti programmer on the Iraqi border for military installations and farms and this statement is installed in the documents the Prime Minister of Kuwait. in 1990 on 25/7/1990 met Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah with the military Kuwaitis told them that their duty is to delay any progress Iraqi military for 24 hours until it gets the U.S. military intervention and this is installed in the documents of the Ministry of Defence Kuwait. in 1990,Iraqi troops entered Kuwait was the battle of defense do not is because the U.S. attack on Iraq was planned and the available information and a plan to strike a vehicle exceeds the strike Israeli military chemical expected. in 1990 contacts between the Kuwaiti government with Lloyds Banking Group in Britain for the sale of its debt to Iraq until the surround Iraq economically and internationalization of debt. in 1990 flood the market with oil and exceeded the quota by OPEC bringing the barrel $ 7 and Kuwait is the only outlet for this scheme. in 1990 speech Saddam Hussein tip of the Arab Cooperation Council that the following years have seen wars, Arab The proposed self-control between the Arabs and take note of such an eventuality is possible. in 1990 , King Hussein and President Yasser Arafat on 3/8/1990 m that President Saddam Hussein told them ready to pull out of Iraq on 5/8/1990 m from Kuwait, while ensuring their rights. in 1991 was the first signals the start of the Iraqi withdrawal undeclared have been given on 23/1/1991 m in 1991, the U.S. attack wide on Iraq hit the broad 16 & 17/1/1991 m and this confirms that the issue is not just the liberation of Kuwait as they claim, but the implementation of the scheme of American-Israeli occupation of Iraq. the 1991Declaration Official withdrawal from Kuwait on February 26, 1991 m in 1991 hit the Republican Guard on February 28, 1991 AD by U.S. troops armored vehicles had entered Iraq and the battle lasted for 4 hours north of Zubair opened the tank T72 of the Medina Division guard Republican fire on the vanguard of tanks M60 and stopped after the injury the first three tanks and fallen U.S. tanks back and left a space outside the fire away from the edges of tanks, the Republican 1991 he addressed the team Sultan Hashim, General Salah Aboud, General Schwarzkopf, we aim to install the fact of history we would like to know how much bearing the losses after the announced withdrawal from Kuwait, especially in the way of death between Kuwait and Basra, and the number of martyrs to 5,000 were killed. in 1991 was an image of the way of death among northern Kuwait and southern Basra lie before catching the combatants attacked coalition aircraft retreating Iraqi troops from Kuwait, when disenchanted that their enemies Sictvon withdrawal, but they found that the goal is to destroy them and crush them and possibly killing of the type the entire Iraqi. in 1966 believed the contemporaries of politicians and geographers Iraqis that the map of Iraq with a deviation of the concavity artificially must be corrected in 1991 adopted the UN Security Council issued Resolution 687 on 3/4/1991 m of demarcation between the two countries which is contrary to international law and the sovereignty of the States concerned boundaries. In international law that the planning of the border between the two states are not only with the consent of the States concerned and the countries which are able to determine the border. And that the common border is ultimately a matter of mutual acceptance of national sovereignty. in 1991 the UN Security Council to prevent Iraq from the most sacred rights and freedoms of the right to challenge the right of appeal and the right to express an opinion. the 1991 map provided by the UN Security Council document (S/22412) it should a lot of questions and question marks. Of painting it is?, From paying the fee?. How is GPS?. How was reviewed by the relevant States?. This is not the first time that the British maps wrong, as happened in 1932 AD in 1993 was planning Iraq-Kuwait border by the Boundary Demarcation Commission of the United Nations on 20/5/1993 on the basis of Security Council resolution unjust No. 687 on 3/4/1991 M violator of the law International. It is a time bomb that could explode at any time!!. in 2009 MP Izz al-Din State told the House of Representatives on Kuwait to pay compensation to Iraq for the destruction of infrastructure and killing and a half million Iraqis by the occupation forces, which provided them with Kuwait logistics that helped the occupation of Iraq. in 2009 MP Mahmoud Othman said in the House of Representatives that the demarcation and delimitation between the two countries of Iraq and Kuwait by the UN Security Council is contrary to international law and override national sovereignty must therefore be re-demarcation and identification of Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. in 1998 , said Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan on 12 / 6/1998 m in Rabat that border Iraq – Kuwait does not have any legal value because the Security Council is the one who painted. in 1998, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan saw that the statements reflect the intentions of the aggressiveness and determination to defy international will. In 1991, official announcement of the withdrawal from Kuwait on February 26, 1991 m in 1991 hit the Republican Guard on February 28, 1991 AD by U.S. troops armored vehicles had entered Iraq and the battle lasted for 4 hours north of Zubair opened the tank T72 of the Medina Division guard Republican fire on the vanguard of tanks, M60 and stopped after hit the first three tanks and fallen U.S. tanks back and left a space outside the fire away from the edges of tanks, the Republican Guard. in 1991 he addressed the team Sultan Hashim, General Salah Aboud, General Schwarzkopf, we aim to install the fact of history we would like to know how much bearing the losses after the announced withdrawal from Kuwait especially in the way of death between Kuwait and Basra, and the number of martyrs to 5,000 were killed. in 1991 was an image of the way of death among northern Kuwait and southern Basra lie before catching the combatants attacked coalition aircraft retreating Iraqi troops from Kuwait, when disenchanted that their enemies Sictvon withdrawal, but they found that the goal is to destroy them and crushed and possibly killing of the kind of Iraq as a whole. in 1966 believed the contemporaries of politicians and geographers Iraqis that the map of Iraq with a deviation of the concavity artificially must be corrected in 1991 adopted the UN Security Council issued Resolution 687 on 3/4/1991 m of demarcation between the two countries which is contrary to international law States concerned and the rule of the border. In international law that the planning of the border between the two states are not only with the consent of the States concerned and the countries which are able to determine the border. And that the common border is ultimately a matter of mutual acceptance of national sovereignty. in 1991 the UN Security Council to prevent Iraq from the most sacred rights and freedoms of the right to challenge the right of appeal and the right to express an opinion. the 1991 map provided by the UN Security Council document (S/22412) it should a lot of questions and question marks. Of painting it is?, From paying the fee?. How is GPS?. How was reviewed by the relevant States?. This is not the first time that the British maps wrong, as happened in 1932 AD in 1993 was planning Iraq-Kuwait border by the Boundary Demarcation Commission of the United Nations on 20/5/1993 on the basis of Security Council resolution unjust No. 687 on 3/4/1991 M violator of the law International. It is a time bomb that could explode at any time!!. in 2009 MP Izz al-Din State told the House of Representatives on Kuwait to pay compensation to Iraq for the destruction of infrastructure and killing and a half million Iraqis by the occupation forces, which provided them with Kuwait logistics that helped the occupation of Iraq. in 2009 MP Mahmoud Othman said in the House of Representatives that the demarcation and delimitation between the two countries of Iraq and Kuwait by the UN Security Council is contrary to international law and override national sovereignty must therefore be re-demarcation and identification of Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. in 1998 , said Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan on 12 / 6/1998 m in Rabat that border Iraq – Kuwait does not have any legal value because the Security Council is the one who painted. in 1998, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan saw that the statements reflect the intentions of the aggressiveness and determination to defy international will. In 1991, official announcement of the withdrawal from Kuwait on February 26, 1991 m in 1991 hit the Republican Guard on February 28, 1991 AD by U.S. troops armored vehicles had entered Iraq and the battle lasted for 4 hours north of Zubair opened the tank T72 of the Medina Division guard Republican fire on the vanguard of tanks, M60 and stopped after hit the first three tanks and fallen U.S. tanks back and left a space outside the fire away from the edges of tanks, the Republican Guard. in 1991 he addressed the team Sultan Hashim, General Salah Aboud, General Schwarzkopf, we aim to install the fact of history we would like to know how much bearing the losses after the announced withdrawal from Kuwait especially in the way of death between Kuwait and Basra, and the number of martyrs to 5,000 were killed. in 1991 was an image of the way of death among northern Kuwait and southern Basra lie before catching the combatants attacked coalition aircraft retreating Iraqi troops from Kuwait, when disenchanted that their enemies Sictvon withdrawal, but they found that the goal is to destroy them and crushed and possibly killing of the kind of Iraq as a whole. in 1966 believed the contemporaries of politicians and geographers Iraqis that the map of Iraq with a deviation of the concavity artificially must be corrected in 1991 adopted the UN Security Council issued Resolution 687 on 3/4/1991 m of demarcation between the two countries which is contrary to international law States concerned and the rule of the border. In international law that the planning of the border between the two states are not only with the consent of the States concerned and the countries which are able to determine the border. And that the common border is ultimately a matter of mutual acceptance of national sovereignty. in 1991 the UN Security Council to prevent Iraq from the most sacred rights and freedoms of the right to challenge the right of appeal and the right to express an opinion. the 1991map provided by the UN Security Council document (S/22412) it should a lot of questions and question marks. Of painting it is?, From paying the fee?. How is GPS?. How was reviewed by the relevant States?. This is not the first time that the British maps wrong, as happened in 1932 AD in 1993 was planning Iraq-Kuwait border by the Boundary Demarcation Commission of the United Nations on 20/5/1993 on the basis of Security Council resolution unjust No. 687 on 3/4/1991 M violator of the law International. It is a time bomb that could explode at any time!!. in 2009 MP Izz al-Din State told the House of Representatives on Kuwait to pay compensation to Iraq for the destruction of infrastructure and killing and a half million Iraqis by the occupation forces, which provided them with Kuwait logistics that helped the occupation of Iraq. in 2009 MP Mahmoud Othman said in the House of Representatives that the demarcation and delimitation between the two countries of Iraq and Kuwait by the UN Security Council is contrary to international law and override national sovereignty must therefore be re-demarcation and identification of Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. in 1998 , said Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan on 12 / 6/1998 m in Rabat that border Iraq – Kuwait does not have any legal value because the Security Council is the one who painted. in 1998, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan saw that the statements reflect the intentions of the aggressiveness and determination to defy international will.