Barzani ended a meeting with the heads of Kurdish blocs on the Iraqi budget
Barzani ended a meeting with the heads of Kurdish blocs on the Iraqi budget
Saturday, 09 March / March 2013 16:11
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} The president of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Mohsen al-Sadoun said the President of the Kurdistan region held a meeting on Saturday morning with the heads of Kurdish blocs in the Iraqi parliament and the ministers of the Kurds in the Iraqi government in the resort of Salahaddin in Arbil.
Sadoun said in a statement to the Euphrates News Agency {}, “Barzani discussed with Kurdish blocs in the Iraqi parliament and the prime minister Kurds developments in the Iraqi scene and the consequences of the passage of the federal budget on Thursday in the absence of the Kurds.”
“The Kurdistan region will issue a statement expressing what was discussed at this meeting.”
The House of Representatives voted by a majority of votes to pass the federal budget in the absence of the Kurdistan Alliance and members of the Iraqi List. Ended 2