Allawi envisage not to attend the Arab summit not to brief him on the work program of the conference and not to put the internal crisis
On: Tuesday 03/27/2012 18:31
Baghdad (news) .. felt the existing Iraqi President Iyad Allawi, not to come to the Arab Summit to be held on Thursday, not to brief him and other political forces on the work program of the conference and not to put the political crisis existing in Iraq.
said a spokesman for the Iraqi List, Maysoon al in a statement received the Agency (news) a copy of it on Tuesday: that Allawi or Iraqi and other political forces has not been briefed on the work program of the conference or topics approved, but not to put the.. political crisis existing in Iraq as part of the conference’s agenda, so it felt not to come to eliminate the need for his role.
She Damluji: that Allawi hopes for the Summit success and Muwafaqiya, to approve the successful policies of rapprochement with and integration among Arab countries and to ensure the safety and stability and the growth of the Arab peoples. / Finished / t.