Saadi: Maliki a dictator in a legal way .. And go on the ability to control the country’s financial
On: Sun 03/25/2012 9:02
Baghdad (news) .. Said independent MP Sabah al-Saadi said Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki “dictator” in a legal way, noting that he is heading to control all aspects of the state, calling for political forces to meet the personalities and political forces of dictatorship through legal and democratic.
said Saadi (the Agency news): Maliki “dictator” in a legal way, where the use of law and the judiciary to the implementation of the dictatorship (his words), and seeks to get rid of …his opponents by legal means, through charges ready for them, especially since it seeks to control all aspects of the state, through the completion of his control over the security of all its different , and today went to control the financial capacity of the country by connecting the Central Bank by the hand.
He pointed out: that the law is used as tools for the liquidation of his opponents, which starts from the citizen and the end politicians, where the arrests are random, continuously, through the charges ready, as well as planting “fear” among citizens not to talk about the lack of security, power and corruption, through arrests.
and warned the independent MP: It is that Maliki exclusivity to power, calling for political forces to meet the personalities and political forces of dictatorship through legal and democratic, the fact that Iraq is a democratic, constitutional, and did not The Iraq of Saddam Hussein, the man who ruled the country by force, arrests and dictatorship.
this newspaper reported, “Washington Post” U.S., Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has faced severe criticism on the part of not only his opponents, but also of his supporters, who they described as a dictator who failed to fulfill its obligations However, despite of the still-Maliki appears to man the forces in power in Iraq. The newspaper pointed out the U.S. that al-Maliki appeared in the ruling powers since he assumed the reins of power in 2006, but the criticism has increased significantly since the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in December last year. She added that the main criticism faced by the Iraqi Prime Minister now is that it simplifies the control heavily on the security of Iraq, as well as power emplace and other state institutions. Despite the growing criticism of the Iraqi government, which many see as weak, but that the position of al-Maliki seems strong in the movements of designed primarily to marginalize the opposition and the division of Tktalathm political, prompting many analysts to say that al-Maliki will build a system in Iraq will be quite far away from democracy, which the United States sought to be achieved there. explained the Washington Post that some of the Iraqi parliament for farm Iraqi opposition had threatened to withdraw from the Iraqi parliament to postpone the conference due to the national reconciliation, while the followers of Muqtada al-Sadr, allied with the government of Maliki, has demonstrated in Basra demanding to provide better services to citizens in Iraq. / End / 1. n.