Iraqi Finance confirms Iraq’s ability to pay the dues of Kuwait
Iraqi Finance confirms Iraq’s ability to pay the dues of Kuwait
19/03/2012 13:14
Baghdad, March 19 / March (Rn) – The Iraqi Ministry of Finance, on Monday, to its potential and its ability to pay the amounts agreed to by the Government of Iraq with Kuwait, and special Iraqi Airways and $ 300 million in cash, at the time called on the government to accelerate in finding the formula for investment amounts the remaining $ 200 million. The delegation, which visited Kuwait last week, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki have …agreed to settle the issue of Iraqi Airways with the Kuwaiti side by pushing Iraq amount of $ 500 million to Kuwait, to be half the amount in cash as given to the Kuwait Investment in Iraq, the value of the second half. and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “our visit to Kuwait was a success and was open all the files, where the focus was on file Iraqi Airways and the issue of stent border,” adding that “That ‘drop the lawsuits against payments to Iraqi Airways. ” said al-Issawi, “The agreement will be presented to the House of Representatives do not think that one of the blocks would object to this, noting that” the Ministry of Finance have the potential to pay the money but still it is up to parliament to vote on the agreement. ” and “The The government today to accelerate the creation mechanism of the process of investing in other sums amounting to $ 200 million, for the completion of this subject. ” The British authorities detained in April 25 of 2010, Iraqi aircraft from Baghdad to London after the cessation of flights between the two countries as long as 20 years, and was on board 30 passengers of Iraqis and foreigners, including former Transport Minister Amir Abdul-Jabbar, director of Iraqi Airways, Kifah Hassan, due to the action on the Kuwaiti damage to the aircraft by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, demanding payment of one billion and 200 million for Kuwait Airways. The Iraqi Council of Ministers adopted a resolution in May of 2010 to liquidate and the elimination of Iraqi Airways, offer for sale to companies, civil, and also decided to cancel all the administrative structures associated with them, while retaining its staff after the sale to a private company. The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon has urged Iraq on November 16 of 2009 to fulfill its obligations to Kuwait, in particular Security Council resolution No. 833 on the demarcation of the border between them to get out of the penalty provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. From: Yazan al-Shammari, the Open: Fadi Zeidan