100 thousand of the popular crowd will be deployed in Anbar with long-range missiles
100 thousand of the popular crowd will be deployed in Anbar with long-range missiles
05/24/2015 06:39 GMT
Follow-up – the leader of the popular crowd Jabbar al-Moussawi said that more than 100 thousand of the popular crowd fighters will be deployed in Anbar province, to be with the security forces repulsed a security wall in preparation for the progress and the liberalization of areas of the province of Daash terrorist gangs.
Moussawi said, that “the popular crowd has a modern and sophisticated weapons, including missiles with a range of more than 70 km, and the other with a range of our sites in Anbar to the Iraqi-Syrian border, and ready your child dens Aldoaash wherever they are, as well as heavy artillery, mortars and light weapons and medium”. Pointing out that the “popular crowd fighters have considerable experience in guerrilla and urban warfare, where they fought Aldoaash and liberated Amerli and cliff victory and Tikrit and the rest of Salahuddin and Diyala, as well as inflict Aldoaash in line block in terms of Nukhayb in the border area between Karbala and Anbar dozens dead, after exposure Aldoaash them in this region, “PSC / h