Washington: new rules for the war on Daash allow civilian casualties

Washington: new rules for the war on Daash allow civilian casualties

Friday, April 22, 2016 16:23

Washington - new rules for the war on Daash allow civilian casualtiesBaghdad / follow Baghdadi News / .. and approved by the Pentagon to allow to carry out air strikes in which more likely casualties among civilians in order to inflict the destruction of targets the Islamic state as part of the escalating war against the militant group in Iraq and Syria, according to interviews with the available data and military officials .

The newspaper wrote (USE TODAY) that since last fall, and the Pentagon is considering granting greater powers to the commander of field operations first team Gen. Sean MacFarland, to agree to hit targets with high likelihood of civilian casualties, whereas previously, it was granted approval to hit the targets that are likely fall civilian casualties by senior Central command of US forces, which takes time and gives the opportunity for these goals to change their positions, which wasted a chance to target again. The description of the six military officials who agreed to talk on the matter on condition conceal their identities because they were not authorized to speak to examine how the choice of targets and target, described the standard variable for the possibility of civilian casualties depending on the estimate the importance of the target and the target site. For example, it granted approval to hit a target up with him the possibility of injuring civilians if the strike would prevent Daash inflict greater harm if they managed to escape from the goal of the strike. Before this change, it had been granted approval for limited strikes where the victims were civilians killed by what officials said. Today, there are many of the target areas with a high probability of the fall of a dozen civilians, which has been approved targeted. These goals and vary depending on the time and location of the target and estimate the degree of importance of the destruction of these goals, officials said. While the release of dangerous and critical processes require exclusive approval from the White House.
David Deptulla, a retired commander of the group three stars of the polls and explorations and director of the Mitchell Institute for Studies weather, Ban said the easing of restrictions is required but it is a step is not sufficient in order to defeat the Islamic state or Daash. He also says “that extra effort and slowly progressive very severe reduce the effectiveness of the principles of modern war and bring us back to the approach taken by the Johnson administration.” Officials say that US commanders cut off to avoid the fall of innocent civilians strides in any air raid, for example, carrying out sorties at night, where often the targets is busy with civilians, and choose with the smallest spread of bomb fragments deadly as using laser-guided to hit the targets directly missiles when civilians wandering dangerously near the planned goals targeted. Military lawyers also accompanied each sorties targeting the Daash goals are to monitor overflights and be sure to follow the rules of engagement and the application of the laws of war properly.
To raise the ceiling on the possibility of civilian casualties it was related to the recent amendments to the strategy followed and announced by US Defense Secretary Ash Carter last October when he was a focus on editing the city of Ramadi in Iraq, where the pace of air strikes rose to capture or kill Daash leaders and increase pressure on tenderness in Syria , the capital of the State of the alleged Daash. Among the things that put field commanders in mind before any attack is “non-martial or peaceful objective value” For example, the estimated value of the goal of peaceful to “zero” if the chance of civilian casualties during the attack equal to zero, for example, target machine gun portable in the area depopulated desert. And the rising value of the more targets located in populated areas such as the city of Ramadi, which liberated backed Btiran international coalition led by the United States of Daash Iraqi forces last December, where it remained pockets of Daash within the city and other areas, which saw heavy fighting, which contained the same goals civilian high value, ten and above, and means that the possibility of the fall of a dozen civilians or more is the probability high as mentioned above six officials of rank, and these pockets may stretch tight spaces Kamtdadha the street from the neighborhood, and was approved on the bombing so space is granted for hours Just
Gen. MacFarland and focused, which took command of field operations in September, to target money to Daash sources of money and stores, such as oil facilities and banks. Also, the black oil markets formed a major source of financing Daash third project, which is funded through which terrorist operations and pay the salaries of its fighters. Civilians who frequent the banks, oil refineries are forced commanders on the value of the strategic goals in the destruction taking into consideration the possibility of the fall of the civilian victims of the destruction of these goals.
The authors of the war plans and can minimize the risk of casualties by spreading leaflets warning directed to the population, as happened in last fall, when he was warned truck drivers transporting oil carriers of illicit goods to escape from targeting sites before they could be targeted. Can also be targeted banks at night using lighter deadly bombs and target angle reduces the effects of the destruction of the target goal on the surrounding facilities. Follow the new strategy is illustrated more clearly with Statistics released by the Pentagon on the targets. In November last year, dropped 3,227 bombs coalition aircraft in Iraq and Syria, a record for only one month, and more than twice the number of bombs that were dropped in November 2014, and since then, the total bombs used in each month has exceeded what was used in the last year. In March, coalition aircraft dropped a bomb, 1982, compared with 1685 a bomb was shot down in March 2015, an increase of 18%.
Minimize loss of civilian
Despite official military statements that said the fall or wounding nearly 26 civilians have been targeted incorrectly, the two officials, one of whom is currently engaged in the planning of goals and another former official, said that he probably fell civilian victims more because of the large number of bombs that were used in this war and that 40,000 bombs exceeded their number since the start of military intervention against isil in August 2014 and the destruction of nearly 6,000 buildings since the beginning of the war, it is almost certain that the number of civilian victims is estimated much higher than the 26 people as a senior official in the defense Ministry early mention on the developments of the war on a daily basis, he says, “even if the number of civilian victims is estimated ten times that number, it is a small number shows the US military is keen for his commitment to the protection of the innocent.”
And every time you fall in civilian casualties, open the upper Central Command, which oversees the conduct of the war, an investigation into the incident through reports and complaints, and even Amordan messages on Twitter, are investigated and compliance with overflights, which has to determine whether coalition aircraft sorties have been carried out near the site of the incident, and that all are to throw a bomb to throw is recorded on a video. If reports and complaints endured a bit of credibility, investigators are analyzing the situation and estimate whether the flight entered compatible with the rules of engagement and the laws of war, we obviously out of that sortie, if all precautionary measures have been followed in that sortie to avoid the accident. It was an accident of this kind has occurred in the July 4, 2015 near the city of Raqqa in Syria, where 16 raids destroyed a bridge there, and fell to a civilian was driving a plow farming in one of the sites. Nor are deaths expense of civilian casualties caused by the Iraqi military operations which are carried out jointly with the international airline alliance. After 15 years of the bombing of Afghanistan and Iraq, put the Obama administration exceptions to avoid casualties among civilians laws and professional war military and alienated the American people on the issue of the killing of civilians require all caution and precision in executing these attacks, and that the destruction and the targeting of lives and civilian property of civilians is something If the initial disappointment is to protect civilians.
Says press secretary for the White House Josh Ernest that President Obama “is proud to run half we have taken in order to avoid any rhythm civilian casualties -the quarters far beyond those taken by our adversaries, certainly.” And it operates the White House is currently preparing a report on civilian casualties to publish it soon. Air strikes are classified as either deliberate or variable. Studied raids are planned to target a bank in Mosul, for example, and over time, commanders can choose the right time and the right weapon to reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties. The field commanders are obliged to be accurate targeting, not just implement a raid only, as it did not record any injury or fall of any civilian casualties over the two months of bombing bombs heavier than 100 tons of explosives, he said one of the officials. The time sensitivity of the factors that increase the complexity of the task for the leaders, and also so-called “dynamic goal.” For example, a sniper Daasha hiding on the roof of residential building in Ramadi and attacking Iraqi troops using machine gun from his hiding place, this is a target dynamically, and then must be field commanders estimated whether the target this sniper will sign the wounded or dead from the building’s residents living in basements from him.
After that military operations in Syria began in September 2014, leaders of the coalition targeted seven buildings in Raqqa and taken Daash which headquartered them where and has been considered an important and legitimate military target despite the exit from consideration for being too close to civilians, and can not be destroyed without inflicting losses of wounded and dead civilians. The planners are working on a study of hours of video recorded by reconnaissance planes potential targets to determine the size and density of civilians around and peak times at these sites and select the “lifestyle” on these sites and the feasibility of targeting the site records. The Daash leaders added a lot of complexity on sites targeted by raising their flags on the black residential buildings inviting them to target to put the blame on the coalition forces to target. The majority of air strikes that took place in Iraq, Syria has the objectives are classified as dynamic targets (variable) and is difficult to know whether innocent civilians where they fell or were stuck in this time targeting this type of Alohdav.anthy 21 /’s goals
