US commander: Civilians hold the final stage of the process of Mosul

US commander: Civilians hold the final stage of the process of Mosul

08/05/2017 18:12 am (Baghdad time)

US commander - Civilians hold the final stage of the process of MosulBaghdad balances News
A senior US commander of coalition forces stationed in Mosul, said that civilians hold the final stage of the liberalization process as Mosul grows up the challenge with narrowing the US-backed Iraqi forces down on terrorists in Mosul are shrinking as the region are now trapped with hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Elements Daesh Enter a group of civilians to a house in Mosul and locked them inside with the progress of Iraqi forces, according to Reuters, which shows that moments later the militants entered through a window and slept on the ground for a few minutes and then they opened fire.
The plan was simple. Attracts the attention of the house terrorists opened fire from the windows and then move to a nearby building through a hole in the wall, hoping to push coalition aircraft, the US-led to the bombing of the house.
What terrorists did not realize is that US advisers are cooperating with Iraqi forces were following all that happened thanks to the information carried by unmanned aircraft.
Orders the implementation blow has not issued the terrorist organization did not benefit from the publicity that he wants to reap the benefits due to the killing of innocent people.
A US military officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel named James Browning, “we know immediately what they are trying to do. They were trying Astdrajna to destroy this building. This is the game that we play and this is the challenge we face every day.”
The challenge grows with narrowing the US-backed Iraqi forces down on the terrorists in Mosul are shrinking as the region are now trapped with hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Said Browning “no place to escape … the battle ground is much more complicated in the number of civilians who move.”
Many risks in one fell swoop carried out by US-led coalition in March killed more than 100 civilians have been killed accidentally.
• Final stage
After opening a new front in the north-west of Mosul last week in order to wear down the defenses of terrorists Iraqi forces, says the battle of Mosul, in the final phase.
And watch the US military near the front-line blocking tips for Iraqis with their progress towards the last few areas that are still under the control of Daesh in the face of the cover of car bombs and sniper fire.
The commander of one of the Browning Brigades, the second band eighty Airborne and is among the more than five thousand US military currently serving in Iraq “to advise and assist” the security forces that collapsed when the militant group overran Mosul, about three years ago.
But the US deployment this time is much less than it was at the height of the occupation, which lasted nine years after the US invasion of the country in 2003, as Washington sent then 170 thousand troops to Iraq and killed during this period of more than four thousand US troops.
And hates the White House re-entering the costly conflict would not be popular among Americans after the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq in 2011.
But for Browning who was sent to Iraq in 2008, the nature of the American role is clearly different.
“It was the situation in the past that I lead the fighting and ask the Iraqis to come with me to my partners, but they are now leading the fighting and I follow them.”
Since the start of the process of Mosul in October, turning the American role it became a partnership between US forces and Iraqi forces at a lower level, which means reducing the time it takes to respond to the Islamic state.
This means that leaders under the command of partners also Browning, the leaders of the brigade under the command of his Iraqi counterpart team Qasim al-Maliki.
Leaders are daily discussions about the processes and what they are looking for US forces do to help, which could include the provision of photographs or intelligence information or an air or ground firing strikes.
Iraqis also provides intelligence from human sources of US forces working to confirm it in order to set goals and how best to attack it.
Live in the same base Browning with al-Maliki, the Iraqi commander of the ninth, which makes it easier adjustment fighting plans.
“All what I’m trying to do is to create a land battle of his” .anthy 29 / m h n