UN official expresses concern about the lack of implementation of the Convention on the collapse of Arbil and democracy in Iraq

WEDNESDAY, 09 MAY / MAY 2012 11:01

expressed a senior official at the United Nations, Wednesday, concern about the “non-implementation of the” political agreements in Iraq, especially Erbil agreement, as he warned that Iraqi democracy tends to “collapse” due to lack of implementation of these agreements.

He said UNDP Administrator of the United Nations in Iraq, Peter Batchelor’s “Twilight News”, “program, which participated in the monasteries of the agreement and contract agreements, the political support for democracy in Iraq.”

He added that “the UN concerned about the lack of implementation of political agreements, which was held in support of democracy and the most important agreement that emerged from Erbil Iraqi government.”

The Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations to Iraq Martin Kobler held on 9 April, a series of meetings with the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and the President of the coalition in Iraq, Iyad Allawi over the current crisis, concluding his talks with President Jalal Talabani and the leader of the Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani.

Batchelor and warned that the “Iraqi democracy tend to collapse due to lack of political commitment to implement the agreements, especially Erbil agreement.”

He explained that “what is going on in the file is an internal Iraqi politics and the UNDP, the UN works only on the provision of technical assistance in this regard when requested.”

President Jalal Talabani and the Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani, leader of the Sadrist movement and Muqtada al-Sadr confirmed that, earlier, in a meeting in Arbil, the development of a comprehensive national program to resolve disputes and unresolved issues between the political blocs in the Iraqi constitution and agreements Arbil.

And escalated in the last few years the intensity differences between the two major coalitions Iraqi rule of law on the issue of Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi, the terms of Arbil on power-sharing.

Many of the leaders of the coalition in Iraq warned that the continuing differences between the two parties may drop the political process in the country.

