Trump: Ample evidence of election fraud … What happened is unconstitutional

Trump: Ample evidence of election fraud … What happened is unconstitutional

11/15/2020 08:22:53

Trump - Ample evidence of election fraud ... What happened is unconstitutional{International: Al Furat News} The US President, Donald Trump, confirmed that there is tremendous evidence of widespread fraud in the vote count in the presidential elections in a number of states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
Trump said, in a tweet on “Twitter” on Saturday evening: “There is convincing evidence of widespread fraud regarding the results of the vote and categorically proves that our Republican election observers and observers were not allowed to attend the vote counting chambers.”
Trump stressed that this “fraud” took place in “Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and other states,” noting that this matter was “unconstitutional.”
Earlier, Trump stressed that there are hundreds of thousands of people showing support for him in Washington, DC, stressing that they will not stand by what he described as “fraudulent and corrupt” elections.
“We will win,” Trump said in a tweet on “Twitter”, stressing that these people will not stand against “the stealing of these elections from them,” by the left-wing “Domino” company, and for many other reasons, he said.

Earlier, Trump was keen to salute the protesters who took to the streets of Washington, DC, to express their anger at what they see as fraud in the presidential election, which was won by Democratic candidate, Joe Biden.
According to what was reported by the Washington Post, Trump’s motorcade advanced towards thousands of protesters, then greeted them from inside the car, which has an advanced degree of protection and is described as a “monster.”
Trump and the recognition of the loss
and Friday, the US President-elect, Joe Biden, strengthened his victory in the elections by winning the state of Georgia, to raise the number of votes he received from the electoral college to 306, as the state of Georgia has 16 votes.
For his part, President Donald Trump said that “time will reveal” whether another administration will take power soon, in an apparent admission that Biden may succeed him in the post.
The Edison Research Center stated that the result in the last critical state, North Carolina, will favor Trump, to seal the electoral college total at 306 votes for Biden compared to 232 for Trump.
The numbers give Biden a resounding victory over Trump in the electoral college with 306 votes, the same result that Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, describing it as “overwhelming” at the time.
Joe Biden is also leading in the popular vote with more than 5.3 million votes, equivalent to 3.4 percentage points, according to Reuters.