The war on electricity towers continues in Iraq.. and citizens: enough is enough

The war on electricity towers continues in Iraq.. and citizens: enough is enough


The war on electricity towers continues in Iraq.. and citizens - enough is enoughThe targeting of electric power transmission lines and towers continues in Iraq, while the General Company for Northern Electricity Transmission revealed, on Thursday, that hostile acts of sabotage affected the electricity transmission lines in the governorates of Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Nineveh.

According to the company’s statement, “for the second day in a row, there are new hostile acts of sabotage targeting the carrier’s lines in the governorates of Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Nineveh, and during the past 48 hours, 13 towers were blown up.”

The statement indicated that the acts of sabotage directly targeted the transport lines between the governorates of Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Nineveh, with five systematic explosions at the same time.

And the statement added, “In a desperate attempt by the sabotage elements to completely extinguish the northern electrical system and isolate it from the national system, the war of towers continues and targeting electrical power transmission lines, as it began to expand to include all northern governorates with systematic and hostile bombings within the past 48 hours.

The company stated that these actions target the capabilities and capabilities of the company and deplete its infrastructure, whose perpetrators deliberately harm citizens in light of high temperatures.

The systematic targeting of electric power production networks and their supply and feeding lines has become a remarkable phenomenon this summer, in an effort by terrorist groups, especially ISIS, to exacerbate the situation in the country more than it is in crisis.

These targeting have led to a sharp decline in the hours of electricity supply to citizens, which are already few with the high temperatures during the summer, and the resulting huge increase in demand for electricity, especially to operate air conditioners.

A political source, who asked not to be named, told Sky News Arabia, “Yes, ISIS terrorists are undoubtedly involved in these organized attacks on electric power towers and transmission lines, but there are other parties involved, and not necessarily all targeting operations by ISIS. ISIS and only.

And the political source continues, “It is no secret that these sabotage and criminal operations coincide with the right of every Iraqi citizen by depriving him of the right to enjoy even a few hours of electrical equipment, in the midst of this blazing atmosphere where the temperature reaches more than 50 degrees, with the approach of the elections.”

The source stated that the operations aim to influence the mood of the voters and spread chaos, grumbling and despair in the country, and make the citizen’s first concern to think about daily life issues such as the scarcity of electricity, so that papers are mixed and a message is conveyed that the miserable situation in Iraq, especially services, will remain as it is. Rather, it is getting backward and deteriorating.”

Iraqi citizen Sarmad Al-Azzawi said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, “We are tired as Iraqis of this vicious cycle, in which we revolve around injustice, deprivation and destitution, and the lack of the most basic services and human rights.”

Sarmad added, “Imagine how it can be tolerated to live in the highest temperatures around the world during the summer, in light of the severe electricity shortage, and on top of that, the small amount of electrical energy that we receive is targeted, in an attempt to completely deprive us of electricity.”

And he added, “We cannot operate air conditioners, for example, so we resort to turning on fans, but they do not work, but rather increase the temperature, as they recycle and distribute hot air, and our home refrigerators only work for a few hours, which makes us vulnerable to poisoning and various diseases, as a result of the corruption of what we store of food and drink in Refrigerators without electricity and so on, our diaries are all trouble and misery.”

Over the past decades, Iraq has been suffering from a severe deficit in the provision of electric power, especially during the summer and winter seasons, when consumption and demand for it increase, to the extent that the times of supplying citizens with it is reduced to a very few hours during the day.

According to experts in the energy sectors, Iraq needs at least twice its current production of less than 20 thousand megawatts of electricity, in order to be able to solve the problem of severe electric power shortage.

According to the estimates of the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity, the ceiling of electric power production must be raised at least to about 30,000 megawatts, so that Iraq can secure electricity around the clock.