The United Arab Front demands that Kirkuk be entitled to parliamentary seats

The United Arab Front demands that Kirkuk be entitled to parliamentary seats

08/14/2020 12:48

The United Arab Front demands that Kirkuk be entitled to parliamentary seats[Baghdad_Where]
Dr. Nazem Al-Shammari, Vice President of the United Arab Front, called on the Independent Electoral Commission to implement the constitution and grant Kirkuk governorate its entitlement to 12 parliamentary seats.
Al-Shammari explained that the Arab component won three seats in the 2018 elections, but the third seat holder did not join Parliament despite the passage of more than two years after the Commission approved the final results, pointing out that the Commission and the House of Representatives remained silent about the electoral maturity of the Arab component and passed it.
Al-Shammari added, “The election according to votes goes to Sheikh Muhaimin Ali Hussein Al-Hamdani, while Sheikh Ghassan Mazhar Al-Assi is in the right in case the party through which the candidate was nominated is considered.”
Al-Shammari accused unnamed parties of collusion and conspiracy to prevent the rise of people belonging to tribes and families of prominent social standing and weight in the governorate in representing the Arab component.
Al-Shammari called on the Commission and Parliament to do justice to the Arab component and not to remain silent on the deprivation of the Kirkuk governorate and the Arab component of a clear and unambiguous electoral entitlement.
Al-Shammari threatened to resort to the judiciary to hold the negligent accountable in preventing Arabs from their electoral entitlement, and called on political parties and actors in Kirkuk not to be silent about depriving Arabs of their electoral entitlement