The “second term”… is worried about Al-Sadr and loses the bet of the framework, and Biden “insults” its owner!

The “second term”… is worried about Al-Sadr and loses the bet of the framework, and Biden “insults” its owner!


The second term... is worried about Al-Sadr and loses the bet of the framework and Biden insults its ownerThe Information/Baghdad..
From betting on the support of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, to trying to split the ranks of the coordination framework, the caretaker prime minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, is trying to obtain a glimmer of political hope that will lead to his staying in power as long as possible or renewing his term, but these attempts have become All of them break on the rock of political and popular rejection.
The latest attempts by Al-Kazemi and his media and Facebook team were to try to split the framework and promote the presence of parties within the coordination with the renewal of Al-Kazemi’s mandate, but soon the decisive response came from all its components with a unified “no” to any effort regarding the renewal of Al-Kazemi.
This political response from the largest political and parliamentary bloc coincides with the growing popular rejection and discontent as a result of the Al-Kazemi government’s policies, especially the economic ones, which led to stagnation and depression in the popular markets, harming the poor and middle class, increasing poverty and unemployment rates, and recording a percentage of extreme poverty, which is “famine” by withdrawing the Ministry planning.
And the representative of the framework, Muhammad Al-Shihoud, said in a statement to “The Information” that “whoever promotes to change the framework candidate, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, wants to keep the current political impasse open and bring the country into complex problems,” noting that “the framework agreement on his Sudanese candidate took time, so what about the duration? That will be spent in naming an alternative candidate, and this will lead us into a dark tunnel, and this is what the enemies of the political process desire.”
Chihod affirms that “the demands for Al-Kazemi’s survival did not succeed and will not succeed in the presence of the coordination framework as a larger bloc inside the parliament,” noting that “there is no one party from the forces of the coordination framework that has a desire for Al-Kazemi to remain for a second term because assuming the premiership is aware of the country’s going into the abyss.”
Apparently, Al-Kazemi’s last station in attempts to renew and gain support for the second term is the United States of America, which he intended to “under the pretext” of representing Iraq in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, but it seems that those endeavors were aborted before they were born.
According to information obtained by the “information”, Al-Kazemi’s team is seeking to arrange a meeting with the outgoing Prime Minister and US President Joe Biden without any response from the latter. finished/25pm