The Sadrist Movement: We are continuing to form the government through strong alliances

The Sadrist Movement: We are continuing to form the government through strong alliances

2021-10-18 09:05

The Sadrist Movement - We are continuing to form the government through strong alliancesShafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, former MP, Riyad Al-Masoudi, confirmed Sunday, that his movement is continuing to form “strong and capable” political alliances to announce the new government in the near future.

Al-Masoudi told Shafaq News Agency, “The Sadrist bloc will not follow the previous mechanisms to form the government,” noting that “they will move towards forming coalitions, not coalitions capable of forming a strong government.”

Al-Masoudi explained that the Sadrist movement “has clear strategic and methodological determinants for the next stage,” noting that “whoever wishes to support it should engage in dialogue, not for positions, but to support the government.”

Al-Masoudi indicated that “the most numerous parliamentary bloc is the Sadrist bloc, which won 73 seats,” explaining that “the rest of the blocs could not reach half that number.”

Al-Masoudi pointed out that “there are 3 stages to form the government, the first is the nomination stage, the second is the assignment, and the third is formation,” explaining that “at the last stage, the stage of coalitions will begin, not alliances, and the current will work to obtain a majority of 166 seats to form the government.”

And revealed the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, earlier Sunday, about the features of the government that he wants to form the Sadrist bloc, welcoming the election results announced by the Commission.

In two lengthy tweets, Al-Sadr waved “Al-Ghossa”, to deal with any negligence in the next government.