The Presidency Of The Republic Is The Key To The Political Process

The Presidency Of The Republic Is The Key To The Political Process

02/11/2022 | 2:16 PM

Iyad Al-Samawi…

The Presidency Of The Republic Is The Key To The Political ProcessArticle 67 of the Iraqi constitution described the president of the republic as the head of the state, meaning that he is the president of all of Iraq and not the head of a part of it.. and a symbol of the unity of the nation, meaning that he believes in the unity of Iraq’s land and people and does not work to separate any part of it.. represents the sovereignty of the country, i.e. represents the country’s sovereignty. The Iraqi state is before the world.. and it ensures that the constitution is adhered to, i.e. that it is an example of commitment to the constitution and ensures compliance with it. its lands from any external aggression or occupation of any part of its lands.. This is how the Iraqi constitution described the president of the republic and this is how it should be.This does not mean that Article 67 of the Constitution has fallen from them and is no longer a condition for the Kurds to be the president of the republic.. The symbol of the nation’s unity must be from those who believe in the unity of Iraq, the land and the people, and this is a basic condition that cannot be tolerated, and the Kurdish who demands us to implement Article 140 From the constitution, we ask him to implement Article 67 and the rest of the articles of the constitution in letter and spirit.. It is not intended here that everyone who participated in the referendum of the Kurdistan region in 2017, does not believe in the unity of Iraq. Most of those who participated in the referendum wanted to express the right of the principle of self-determination.. But the importance of The position of the President of the Republic comes from being the key to the entire political process. If the political process begins with the formation of the government, this government will not and will not be formed before the election of the President of the Republic, because the President of the Republic, according to Article (76 / first) of the Constitution, is the one who assigns the candidate of the most numerous bloc to form Council of Ministers ..By virtue of this constitutional link between the election of the president and the formation of the Council of Ministers, this means that the agreement between the political blocs to nominate the prime minister must precede the election of the president, so as not to repeat the experience of 2014 when the elected president (Fouad Masum) repudiated the assignment of the candidate of the largest bloc and betrayed the agreement. The agreement concluded with Nuri al-Maliki and transgressed the constitution, or as the current president, Barham Salih, did when he violated the constitution by not appointing a deputy for him in contravention of Article (75 / first and second) of the constitution, which plunged him into the pit of perjury. dishonest and ready to betray the covenant, violate the constitution, and turn against it, without caring or batting an eyelid, and without anyone holding him accountable.This necessitates the blocking third group (the coordination framework and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and those with them from the independents) to calculate this possibility and stipulate agreement on naming the prime minister and agreeing on it before going to the presidential election session, and documenting this agreement judicially and in front of public opinion and the Iraqi people.. Without this agreement, let everyone hit their head against the wall.. and the blocking third from now on must (hehe Maalik) according to the saying of Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, and there is no need anymore to beg for anyone to agree, and let the next approach be to agree on the presidency of the republic and the ministers before the session of electing the president of the republic is held ..And let the next approach be to agree on the presidency of the republic and the ministers before holding the session to elect the president of the republic.And let the next approach be to agree on the presidency of the republic and the ministers before holding the session to elect the president of the republic.