The judiciary clarifies the details of the issuance of the arrest warrant against Trump

The judiciary clarifies the details of the issuance of the arrest warrant against Trump

01/14/2021 17:40:08

The judiciary clarifies the details of the issuance of the arrest warrant against Trump(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Supreme Judicial Council issued, on Thursday, the details of issuing an arrest warrant against the outgoing US President Donald Trump.
The judge in charge of examining the case of the assassination of the martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis and his companions confirmed, in a statement that Al Furat News received a copy of, that “the issuance of the arrest warrant against Trump came after the completion of the investigative procedures in the case and the recording of the statements of the claimants of the personal right of the martyrs and the legal representative of the Iranian embassy.”
He added, “The arrest warrant issued by the Specialized Investigation Court in Rusafa against Trump came in accordance with the provisions of Article 406 of the Iraqi Penal Code after he was accused of killing the martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis and his companions on 1/3/2020.”
The judge stated that “the memorandum was issued recently after the court completed all investigative procedures, including examining the accident, gathering evidence, and hearing the statements of witnesses and personal claimants.”
He pointed out, “The legal representative of the Iranian embassy in Iraq followed up on the case, which was limited to representing the claimants for personal right on behalf of the Iranian martyrs to know the measures taken by the court in connection with the case.”
The competent judge explained, “The claimants for personal right and their agents have all unanimously agreed to indict the outgoing American president. Donald Trump and his role in the execution of the crime, based on his public statements published by the media. ”
He continued, “The court looked at the case as a criminal case that took place on Iraqi territory and according to the rules of jurisdiction, the Iraqi law is the application and not the law or constitution of the country to which the accuser belongs.”
This is a universal principle agreed upon by the laws of all countries, as well as the presence of some Iraqi victims of victims and the perpetrator is known to declare that he committed the crime, and there is no effective Iraqi legal text or agreement between Iraq and America permitting him to commit this crime, and this is what the court verified after a series of letters with the Prime Minister’s office Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the competent authority for the conventions and treaties with States during the period of investigation , which lasted more than one year on the date of the commission of the crime. ”