The judiciary announces a “historic achievement”, the first of its kind in Iraq and the region

The judiciary announces a “historic achievement”, the first of its kind in Iraq and the region

08/14/2020 11:02:10

The judiciary announces a historic achievement the first of its kind in Iraq and the region(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Supreme Judicial Council announced, the first of its kind in Iraq and the region, of a “historic achievement”.
In a statement, the Euphrates News Agency received a copy of it, the judiciary congratulated “the Iraqi Women Judges Association on the occasion of the approval of the Association’s joining the International Judges Association, especially since this historic achievement is the first of its kind at the judicial level in Iraq and the countries of the region.”
The statement added, “On this occasion, the Supreme Judicial Council thanks the supportive efforts made for this accession by the United Kingdom embassy in Baghdad.”
It is worth noting that the elections for the Iraqi Women Judges Association were held at the headquarters of the Supreme Judicial Council and the headquarters of the Appeals Presidency in all governorates on February 21, 2019, and on the 24th of the same month, Judge Elham Fakhri Sadiq was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association and Judge Anwar Hassan Nemat as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association in accordance with the provisions Article 10 / second of the bylaws of the Iraqi Women Judges Association.