The Iraqi parliament sends the law “criminalizing normalization with Israel” to the Presidency of the Republic

The Iraqi parliament sends the law “criminalizing normalization with Israel” to the Presidency of the Republic

2022-05-30 07:35

The Iraqi parliament sends the law criminalizing normalization with Israel to the Presidency of the RepublicShafaq News/ Today, Monday, the Iraqi parliament sent the recently enacted law “criminalizing normalization with Israel” to the Presidency of the Republic for the purpose of ratification.

A document signed by the Secretary-General of the House of Representatives, Sirwan Abdullah Ismail Agency, and sent to the Office of the Presidency of the Republic, obtained by Shafak News Agency, stated that, based on Article 73 of the Constitution, we send to you (the law criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity), which was recommended on date May 26, 2022, in session No. 9 of the first legislative term / the first legislative year / the fifth electoral cycle.

Members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in favor of a proposed law to “criminalize normalization” with Israel, a law proposed by the Sadr bloc and its allies.

The new law stipulates penalties, including life or temporary imprisonment, and aims, according to its first article, to “prevent the establishment of diplomatic, political, military, economic, cultural or any other form of relations with the occupying Zionist entity.”

Article 201 of the Iraqi Penal Code stipulates that anyone who promotes the principles of Zionism, including Freemasonry, or affiliates with any of its institutions, or helps them financially or morally, or works in any way to achieve its purposes, shall be punished with death.

Iraq does not establish any relations with Israel, and the government and the majority of political forces refuse to normalize with it.

Out of 22 Arab countries, 6 countries, namely Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, have declared relations with Israel.

Those who reject normalization of relations with Israel say that it still occupies Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon since 1967 and rejects the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.